Quick Fic Challenge: Anniversary Style

Oct 16, 2014 08:54

♥ Comment with a ship/character(s) and a prompt [words/lyric/image/whatever].
♥ I am open to friendship fics, gen, het, slash, femmeslash, and threesomes/moresomes prompts.
♥ Please put only one prompt per comment! You can leave as many prompts as you’d like, just make sure they are listed in separate comments. [Note: You can list multiple ships for one prompt in a comment if you want to give a choice but do not leave multiple prompts in a comment]
♥ Fandoms: Harry Potter, BTVS, or AU Kirk/McCoy. Crossovers: HP & BTVS or I might consider attempting HP & Teen Wolf (as I do lurk there). I’m also open to writing Original fic.
♥ You’re welcome to leave a prompt for characters in a certain verse for Harry Potter only (i.e. Ron/Scorpius in Why Not? verse or Kirley/Hermione in Unprofessional verse or Hugo in Conquests verse etc) for a short fic but please don’t ask for full sequels!
♥ If you are a writer/artist and see a prompt that grabs you, feel free to answer it! I’ll actually post some prompts, too, so obviously feel free to answer any of those! LOL I want this to be a fun interactive weekend to celebrate my 15 years of writing fanfic and being part of something as awesome as fandom, so the more the merrier!

You can read more info about the prompt post to answer any other questions.

And a little challenge to all of y'all to celebrate my 15 years of writing fanfic! Go to my tags and read/comment on 5+ fics that you enjoy! It would be wonderful to receive comments over this weekend!

Character usually means Gen and Pairing is shippy fic.

15th anniversary celebration, challenge me (2014)

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