Okay so it’s finally time for my little “Inell-iversary” celebration! Startingtomorrow, I’ve got some plans to celebrate my 15thanniversary of writing fanfic and being part of on-line fandom. This post is to give some details in case anyone wants to come around and help me celebrate this weekend.
Thursday: Quick Fic Prompt post will go up in the morning. Below is more info about the prompting! DO NOT prompt on this post please!
Friday: Ask My Readers post with questions I hope y’all answer! I’m looking forward to seeing what y’all have to say.
Saturday: Ask Me Questions post will go up in the afternoon. You can ask me anything about my writing, inspiration, fandom experiences, interests, etc. on this post.
Sunday: Master List for fics written on the Prompt post will be posted in the evening
Anonymous commenting is allowed for those without LJ! They’ll be screened because that’s how I have things set up, but I’ll make them public once I receive them.
I am excited about this more than I can actually explain because I am writing again and just having so much fun having the words flow after reaching a point where I was worried my muse had abandoned me to live on a tropical island with Blaise, Charlie, Harry, and a dozen other blokes. Not that I’d blame her! I’d be down for that myself. *wistful sigh* So, anyway, I really hope everyone reading this drops in during my long weekend and takes a moment to celebrate this anniversary with me! There are so many people who have had an impact on my writing and fandom experiences (both good and bad) who are no longer in my life, but there are a lot of y’all still here so set aside a bit of time to come say hi and bounce around with me a bit! ♥
Misc Info about Prompts Post
♥ I am open to friendship fics, gen, het, slash, femmeslash, and threesomes/moresomes prompts.
♥ Please put only one ship/friendship per comment! You can leave as many prompts as you’d like, just make sure they are listed in separate comments.
♥ Fandoms: Harry Potter, BTVS, or AU Kirk/McCoy. I’m also open to writing Original fic, so you’re welcome to leave OMC/OFC, OFC/OFC or OMC/OMC with a prompt if you’d like.
♥ You’re welcome to leave a prompt for characters in a certain verse for Harry Potter only (i.e. Ron/Scorpius in Why Not? verse or Kirley/Hermione in Unprofessional verse or Hugo in Conquests verse etc) for a short fic but please don’t ask for full sequels!
♥ I generally avoid the primary triggers (character death, infidelity, incest, rape, etc.) unless the prompt is for one of those things. However, let me know in the comment if you’ve got a definite trigger so I can be sure to avoid it if I write the prompt! [Note: I don’t write scat/vomit at all so that doesn’t need mentioned]
♥ I will write a minimum of 100 words for the prompts I answer. No maximum because who knows how long something will be until I finish it? LOL
♥ I will not be writing for every prompt! It’s nothing personal. It depends on what strikes my muse and demands I write it. I encourage people to leave more than one prompt!
♥ I intend to write as much as possible this weekend, though, so here’s hoping I am successful! My goal is to end Sunday with at least 25 new ficlets!
♥ Prompts work better if there is some room for interpretation. If the request is detailed in exact specifications, chances are my muse won’t want to write it because it’s like coloring in a picture already written with not much room for creativity
.♥ I’ll post the fic in the comments and post a master list linking to the comment on Sunday. That way I avoid spamming everyone’s F-lists if there are more than 10 (which I think there should be!) fics. However, if a fic goes too long for a comment, I might post it separately for ease of reading.
♥ There is no guarantee that you will enjoy what I write! My interpretation of the characters, dynamic, ship, etc. might differ from yours. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy it, but I like to give the disclaimer just in case!
♥ If you are a writer/artist and see a prompt that grabs you, feel free to answer it! I’ll actually post some prompts, too, so obviously feel free to answer any of those! LOL I want this to be a fun interactive weekend to celebrate my 15 years of writing fanfic and being part of something as awesome as fandom, so the more the merrier!