Making a Sticky About Me

Oct 25, 2014 19:54

Who am I?

My name is Inell! I started writing fanfic in October 1999. My fandoms over the years include: BTVS, Harry Potter, Star Trek XI, and Avengers (2012). I am currently writing in Harry Potter fandom once again after writer's block for a couple of years.

I am in my late 30s, and I live in north Texas. I work for a hospital network and I'm based out of a jail. Despite being single and not being particularly interested in ever changing that status, I'm a hopeless romantic when it comes to my fic. I can be goofy, odd, sarcastic, bouncy, annoying, cynical, and curious. I'm INTP personality and the descriptions generally suit me pretty well in RL, and I'm just a little less introverted here and have common interests that make me do the goofy bits.

I like to talk about writing, even if I generally only get more than "poll time!" when someone comments and gets me started. I do tend to do random polls at times to see what's interesting my readers/friends and for inspiration sometimes.

I have no children, but I have two dogs that I adopted in April 2013 when they were about five weeks old. They are nothing alike despite being supposed litter mates, and they are spoiled rotten and think I'm their human slave. One of them is larger and easy going and likes to lay around giving me sad looks when he wants a petting. The other one should have been named Lucifer or Loki because he's small, fat, and gets into anything available whenever the mood strikes him. He's also more dominant than the other one, and he wants attention constantly, so he's often giving me breaks in writing because he gets bored and wants petting.

What else? I don't watch tons of TV these days, but I do love a few things. Top Chef, Amazing Race, Orange is the New Black, Miss Fisher's Mysteries, Project Runway, FaceOff, Ink Master, any Poirot or Miss Marple programs, Mysteries at the Museum, various History channel programs, and several other random things I DVR. I rarely go to the movies any more, often waiting until something hits Netflix streaming to bother watching it. I love classic rock and music from the 80s-early 90s. I also enjoy watching the 'I Love the X' program on VH1 and the decade type series on CNN etc. They recently had a marathon of The 80s and The 90s, but I missed one on the 60s. I'm interested in history, though I didn't go to college to major in it or anything else. I did nearly finish my Associate's Degree during the years I had writer's block [might explain why I did!] but I haven't taken the last two required classes because they always conflict with work, so I'll do them eventually.

I share a house with my mother, grandfather, teenage brother and his friend we basically adopted. It is financially better to pay mortgage towards owning the house, and it's big enough to give us privacy, so it's tolerable most of the time. I have two other siblings, a sister and a brother, both younger. My grandmother raised me pretty much, and she passed away in 2008. I still miss her a lot.

So, yes, that's me in a quick few paragraphs. I randomly squee about stuff sometimes, and I spam fic when I'm on a writing binge. I don't post all that much RL stuff anymore, but I'm trying to get back into blogging a bit, so that might change.

Where You Can Find Me

My LJ Tags: Breakdown by pairing, character, rating, fandom since February 2004. Earlier fic was never posted to LJ.
My Website Fanfic Archive: For everything I’ve ever written. This includes all fandoms (even the old Buffy the Vampire Slayer stuff from 1999-2003), and it allows you to search by pairings, titles, etc.
My AO3: This only has fic from Avengers (2012) and Harry Potter fics since 2014 other than some miscellaneous Kirk/McCoy and pre-2014 HP fic.
My Tumblr: I don’t usually post fic here unless it’s a notice for AO3. I don’t blog much, but it’s usually random stuff with no rhyme or reason.
♥ Email is: I don’t have any active chat programs that I turn on these days, but email is always good!

A Rough Guide to My Likes/Dislikes In Case You’re Writing Fic for Me or You Want an Idea What You’re Getting Into By Friending Me or You Want to Leave Me a Prompt


BTVS: Willow/Spike and Willow/Faith are my absolute favorites. I am a Willow whore, however, and enjoy Willow/Anyone. Drusilla/Spike and Spike/Angel(us) are also good. While I will occasionally write other ships in this fandom, I only enjoy reading Willow ships really.
Star Trek XI: Kirk/McCoy. That’s it. My only true OTP in a “I can’t stand them with anyone else and I still can’t all these years later”
Avengers (2012): Steve/Clint, Steve/Bucky, Steve/Natasha and variations of Steve with any of the three.
Harry Potter: This is going to be long.

I am a Hermione whore. I will read Hermione with just about anyone and probably have. I have a fondness for rare pairs and threesomes. I loved writing Hermione/Kirley Duke so Hermione/Random Wizarding Band Musician even does it for me.

Favorite Hermione Ships: Hermione/Charlie, Hermione/Viktor, Hermione/Fred, Hermione/Bill, Hermione/Blaise, Hermione/Harry, Hermione/Harry/Ron, Hermione/Kingsley, Hermione/Cormac, Hermione/Bill/Fleur, Hermione/Pansy, Hermione/Sirius, Hermione/Adrian, Hermione/Fred/George, Hermione/Blaise/Harry, Hermione/Harry/Draco, Hermione/Fleur, Hermione/Lucius, Hermione/Dennis, Hermione/Seamus, Hermione/Ron, Hermione/Draco, Hermione/Remus, Hermione/Tom Riddle, Hermione/Dean, Hermione/Neville, Hermione/Oliver, Hermione/Percy, Hermione/George, Hermione/Marcus, Hermione/Theodore, Hermione/Regulus, Hermione/Roger, Hermione/Teddy, Hermione/Luna, Hermione/Tonks, Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Narcissa, Hermione/Parvati, Hermione/Cho, Hermione/Lavender, Hermione/Padma, Hermione/Justin, Hermione/Zacharias, Hermione/Ernie, Hermione/Michael, Hermione/Lee, Hermione/Angelina, Hermione/Daphne, Hermione/Millicent, Hermione/Bellatrix, Hermione/Voldemort(Tom Riddle), Hermione/Rodolphus, Hermione/Bill/Charlie, Hermione/Charlie/Harry, Hermione/Charlie/Blaise, Hermione/Blaise/Draco, Hermione/Dean/Seamus, Hermione/Neville/Harry, Hermione/Ron/Draco, Hermione/Lucius/Narcissa, Hermione/Harry/Ginny, Hermione/Ginny/Luna, Hermione/Bellatrix/Rodolphus, Hermione/Lavender/Parvati, Hermione/Ron/Pansy, and more. I think I’d enjoy Hermione/Next Gen Boy (i.e. James Sirius, Lorcan, Lysander, Scorpius, etc.) because I like Hermione/Younger Man, but it’s not easy to find to test that theory!

Favorite Other Ships

Narcissa/Lucius, Narcissa/Lee, Narcissa/Kingsley, Narcissa/Ron, Narcissa/Bill, Bellatrix/Rodolphus, Bellatrix/Sirius, Bill/Fleur, Tonks/Bill, Pansy/Neville, Pansy/Ron, Pansy/Harry, Andromeda/Kingsley, Andromeda/Ted, James/Lily, Sirius/Lily, James/Sirius/Lily, Narcissa/Lucius/Severus, Harry/Luna, Ron/Luna, Rose/Scorpius, Pansy/Theodore, Ron/Draco, Bill/Draco, Blaise/Harry, Blaise/Draco, Harry/Neville, Ron/Harry, Bill/Harry, Neville/Bill, Sirius/Lucius, Lucius/Regulus, Lucius/Severus, Seamus/Dean, Draco/Neville, Draco/Harry, James/Sirius, James/Remus, Remus/Regulus, James/Regulus, Bill/Kingsley, Narcissa/Lily, Pansy/Daphne, Ginny/Luna, Parvati/Lavender, Narcissa/Pansy, and Pansy/Millicent.

My Reading/Writing Quirks

There have been exceptions to these, of course, because I like to challenge myself when I write, but I often don’t read whatever the quirk is even if I might write it. This isn’t comprehensive, and it’s definitely a personal thing as I have no issues with other people reading/writing whatever they enjoy!

♥ I can't write/read Charlie or Teddy with anyone but Hermione/Hermione-threesomes with men (that includes a brief mention in other pairing fics unless it’s a past relationship reference). I can’t read Kirk or McCoy with anyone but each other except in reference to past relationships. I can't read Spike with anyone but Willow, Angel, Drusilla, or Hermione or in threesomes with them.
♥ I can't write Snape worth a darn. I enjoy the character but just can't get inside his head 99% of the time. If you prompt him, changes are I won’t be able to answer the prompt.
♥ I hate unhappy endings and character death. I can deal with angst and development and situations that aren’t fluffy happy but no character death or I cry.
♥ I've got a fondness for romance and relationships. I try to write believable characters with flaws, and I enjoy reading relationships that feel real.
♥ I enjoy smut but mostly when the emphasis is on emotions and feelings versus just random body parts. If I can't feel the connection, I can't write it/read it. Some pairings, I enjoy reading but can't write as my muse can't feel them.
♥ I love me some Hermione rare pairs and interesting dynamics. As a reader, I'm open to most pairings (save for those that hit one of my major quirks) and can believe anything if the author makes it seem plausible. As a writer, I like to explore "what if"'s and pairings that don't seem to make sense on the surface but, in certain circumstances, make you go "Oooh! I could see it!" and relationships that people have, whether it be romantic or just friends. I'm also a hopeless romantic and enjoy exploring romantic relationships and such so that's why there is a lot shippy stuff here, but I also like exploring character dynamics that aren’t just romantic. I write Gen sometimes, and I also love friendships.
♥ Some of my favorite ships to write involve a male character that is basically a name only or has very little development in canon (i.e. Blaise, Adrian, Pansy, somewhat Kingsley, Charlie, Cedric, and Viktor), but I enjoy figuring out who they are or might be. My interpretation might differ from yours.
♥ I love tropes! Friends to lovers, rivals to lovers, sharing a bed, unrequited that’s really requited, pretend dating that becomes real, matchmakers, reunions, bets, co-workers who fall in love, travel fics, and all those lovely tropes.
♥ I like to challenge myself sometimes to go beyond my happy romantic comfort zone, so I enjoy receiving all kinds of prompts because I never know what might inspire me. Sometimes, I can’t answer a prompt because the characters don’t talk. Other times, my interpretation might be vastly different from what’s expected.
♥ Basically, when it comes to reading/writing, it generally is safe to say that I like to read/write Hermione-centric fics or mostly rare pair het/slash and that's generally what you'll find around here in terms of fics and recs.

Kinks: I love emotion and romance. I want to believe that the sex is there for a reason, whatever the kink. Random smut and OOC is a huge turn off. If a character is doing something that isn’t normally IC for them, let me know why! I try to do that, though I might not always succeed. I like banter and friendship along with the sex. Awkward flirting or not awkward flirting, teasing, and all those wonderful PG13ish things that tease and tempt without having to go into sex. I’m such a sucker for it.

As for specific sexual kinks, I always enjoy: teasing, awkward but playful sex, first times (together or ever), wallsex, frantic still clothed sex, frottage, wanking, voyeurism, dirty talk (when character appropriate), toys, seduction, fantasy fulfillment, role playing, nearly getting caught, public places, sex in a lift, object penetration, blindfolds, oral sex, mirrors used with sex, double penetration for het/slash threesomes, sex magic (but not in a dub-con sense), anal (when done well), girl on top, biting/rough sex (when character appropriate), UST like whoa, exhibitionism, consensual infidelity (i.e. swinging or threesomes if not a triad type of relationship), pegging, light bondage, shower sex, older woman/younger man, and a guilty pleasure is Hermione-centric gangbangs >_>. I’ll also consider reading/writing underage, bestiality, incest in threesomes, cuckolding, and other things not specified on my squick list.

Squicks/Won't Usually Write & Don’t Read: Rape, non-consensual infidelity, violence, watersports, scat, vomit etc., other hardcore fetish/kink, and torture. I’m not good at writing D/s in more than a playful way, so I generally won’t try. I don’t think I’d do justice to transsexual/gender fluid characters so I’d avoid writing that because I’d want to get it right if I ever wrote it. Non-sexual squicks are misogyny, mental illness, humiliation, deliberate angst/drama that could easily be remedied if there was communication (not deliberately hiding/lying about something but those arguments that lead to major drama that a quick “BTW X happened” could clear up easily), and unexplained OOC characters.

Good grief. That’s ridiculous. If anyone reads all that? I’ll owe you a cookie and a fic prompt! Comment with a prompt and I’ll add it to my list for 2014!

I am currently accepting prompts here for 2014!

sticky: about me

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