Aug 11, 2008 12:51
It is not all melancholy and the infinite sadness over here, there are some good developments of late:
I've been thinking more and more about self employment: namely a baking business. Especially with the new kitchen coming into play, and the encouragement of more than one friend, I have the ability to do this now more than ever. I would still be able to work as a nurse part time or prn and not be in dire straits if the business were to fail. Clients might be difficult to come by in this town, as there are lots of professional foodies here. Alternately, if I were to succeed, I know of several people who would LOVE to assist me in my business who I think I could work well with. Anyhow, its an alternative I think I could enjoy and succeed at, but things need more development. I already have a great graphics guy, so I've got that covered! :)