I tried a new brand of haircolor the other day and went just a shade lighter than usual. I like the result, but I'm officially not what I would call a brunette anymore. Its definitely blond. I feel like my eyebrows are way dark now, but in the pic it doesn't look abnormal or anything.
I also need a new camera, most of my shots are always blurry. It takes 10 shots to get one good one. To whomever on my F-list who was asking about camera recommendations: ixnay on the Sony CyberShot, cause its a common complaint with this camera.
Also, I'm kinda disappointed my friend's daughter decided to see the X Files movie without me and her mom. I thought we had plans! Dang! Dissed by a 10 year old.
Oh, you know what else? They changed the Extraordinary Nut Snack commercial to "extraordinary snack". I don't have anything else to snicker over right now...