(no subject)

Jul 17, 2004 16:21

Brenna gave a rang and said she'd come over to the apartment instead of me meeting her there. So I changed for a girls night out and waited

Brenna: Brenna walked up to the address Gen had given her and knocked on the door.

Genesis: Gen finally walked away from her roses and opened the door. "Bren! Hey.. come on it."

Brenna: Walking in Brenna hugged Gen,"It's been way to long. How have you been?"

Genesis: Hugging her back Genesis smiled. "I've been okay.. worried and scared and stuff but I'm okay now that I'm home. How are you?"

Brenna: Smiling at her,"Same same, curious as hell about some recent finds but will know more soon. I hope to have a meeting soon set up by Rupert Giles, do you know him? I always forget the in commmons."

Genesis: Immediately Gen's cheeks blush bright red. "Uh yeah. I.. know uh.. he.. and I..." Oh boy. she leads her over to the vase of roses. "He um.. sent me those. We're supposed to go on a date."

Brenna: I smelled the roses."Lucky girl. He's stilla looker after all these years." She still blushed like a school girl. It was cute.

Genesis: "Yeah I know I'm lucky.. he's.. very handsome." Gen nodded, still blushing. "I feel like I'm fifteen or something. But yeah.. a date.. I might be getting too old for that though."

Giles: The ride was somewhat bumpy leading up to her flat, but he didn't seem to mind. And yes, it was also spontaneous which wasn't like him at all. But he wanted to make a good impression. So he continued to fidget in the back of the horse-drawn carriage as it paraded to her door.

Brenna: Brenna laughed,"Hey sex will do that to you."

Genesis: Gen blinked, wide eyed. "What? Sex.. I.. uh.. uh... jesus Bren.. he and I haven't even.. good lord.. " she shook her head and started to laugh. "Stop making me blush."

Brenna: Brenna laughed harder,"Oh so this is in the new and frisky stage. Good thing I didn't try to cop a feel when I saw him at the library." She gave Gen a wink.

Giles: The coachman pulled the horse to a stop and he gingerly stepped down. It wouldn't do to break his neck at her step, now would it? Brushing the wrinkles from his pants, he sucked in a good amount of air and walked up the steps.

Genesis: "Brenna!" Genesis pointed her finger at her and laughed. "You better not have! He's mine!" she teased a bit, giggling.

Giles: He hesitated before knocking. Pushed back his hair, checked for dirt under his fingernails. Tugged at a loose thread on his shirt. And took another short breath and knocked.

Brenna: "Oh you meanie. Whatever happened to the days of play and yours is mine and mine is yours." The laughter between them was infectious. Like they hadn't been away from the other in the years it had been.

Genesis: "Ha ha. You're just jealous." Genesis smirked and stuck out her tongue when the door knocked. "Ahh.. I'm popular.. hang on." she heads to the door and opens it up, blinking. "Rupert."

Giles: He smiled and tried to speak but found himself at a slight loss. He merely gestured to the carriage beyond. "Um, I was hoping..."

Brenna: Brenna walked behind Gen and waved. "Hey there Rupert, see you're trying to steal my girl away." Teasing, she wrapped her arms around Gen's waist and snuggled.

Genesis: Genesis peered behind Rupert at the carriage. A carriage with a horse. Holy mother. "Wha.. I uh.." she's caught off guard by Brenna who has snuggled her and she turns around. "Ooh.. uh.. Rupert.. this is Brenna.. my.. *friend*"

Giles: He took a step back, surprised to see Brenna as well. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company. Or that you knew each--" the words cut off as the second step proved dangerous and he fell backwards down the steps.

Brenna: "Oh my, you knocked the poor man off his feet Gen." Brenna and Gen both rushed over to him to make sure he was alright.

Genesis: Eyes wide for about the tenth time today, Genesis squeaked and rushed down the stairs. "Oh god.. I'm so sorry.. are you okay?? Please say you're okay.."

Giles: He righted himself, quickly checking to see if he'd bent anything, or worse. "I'm fine really," he said with a slight smile. "I've been known to take worse. Usually an object across the head." "A bit... embarrassed. I should have called first. It was quite presumptuous of me."

Brenna: Brenna smiled,"Well I guess I will be off now. Let you two love birds be all lovey dovey." She started back towards her car.

Genesis: Helping him up, Genesis checked him over to make sure he was okay. When it looked like he was alright she frowned slightly. "Oh no.. it's okay honest.. I was just about to go out with.. but. I.." Brenna starts to leave and she looks up. "Ooh Bren.. you don't have to er.. uh..."

Giles: "Um, obviously I'm intruding... You must have had plans."

Brenna: Brenna turned and smiled,"Just a couple of drinks and it wasn't a date date." She smiled, "I say if the real macoy shows on the door, you go for that one." She winked at Gen and laughed, knowing she would be blushing again.

Giles: "I'm sure you must have a lot to catch up on." He didn't want to give in so easily, but after his reacquaintance with Willow, he wouldn't deny them the same. "Please, it's quite alright Brenna." *turning to Genesis, smiling warmly* A raincheck then?

Genesis: Blinking, Genesis was a bit between both of them she started to laugh. "I uh... yeah.. er.. no.. I mean.." Oh dear, she was thoroughly flabergasted. "Are you sure Rupert?"

Giles: He brushed her hand with his. "I'm sure, Genesis. Friends are important. And I promise to call ahead next time."

Brenna: Brenna laughed,"Well you could go with us Rupert and then when I cut out you two can ," she winked,"have a bit of fun."

Giles: "Ah, third party and all. I'm sure I'd be a nuisance and I wouldn't want you two to censor yourselves because of my presence. Go and have fun. I've some research I can preoccupy myself with."

Genesis: Genesis was a bit torn but she looked at Brenna. "Yeah.. who knows when we'll get this chance again um.. I'll be right back?" she looked over at Rupert and motioned him over.

Giles: He gladly followed, stuffing his hands in his pockets to hide his nervousness.

Brenna: Brenna sighed, she hated breaking up a date. It had been way to long for herself and she knew that look Gen had. She was past the smitten stage.

Genesis: Turning to Rupert, she looked up at him. "Um.. I just want to make sure that you don't think I'm.. I mean.. I really really.. want to go on a date. I do I swear.." yeah she was rambling.

Giles: He couldn't help but smile. "I do as well. The time you were in Turkey... I couldn't help but worry. Remembering our previous encounter, and then you were gone..." He shook his head. He wouldn't defeat himself. "Please enjoy catching up with Brenna. And while I can't guarantee a coach and buggy next time, I promise to make our first date ... memorable."

Genesis: Gen nodded a bit and tried to smile. "I know.. it was.. scary.. I mean.. things were going nuts there at the end. But I just.. thanks.. I mean this is amazing..and the roses... thank you." And to thank him properly she raised up on her tiptoes and kissed him just barely on the lips. "Um.. I'll call you.. I promise." now she really WAS blushing.

Giles: And for the second time, he was speechless. What could only be called an infectious grin spread across his face as he nodded profusely. "Soon, I hope."

Brenna: Brenna walked closer to her car, knowing that the two of them would be proper and all.

Genesis: "Soon. I promised." She grinned at him like a school girl. "Bye Rupert." she headed back to the car with Brenna, making sure things were all locked up.

Giles: His step a little lighter, he climbed back into the carriage and nodded to the driver. With a snap of the reigns and a clicking sound, the buggy jerked forward, sending him tumbling to the seat. And all he could do was smile.

Brenna: "You are a fool girl." I smiled as the doors were unlocked and they sat in the car. "Giving up a toss, where is your mind?"

Genesis: Genesis sighed as she watched him drive away. "No.. it's not that.. I just.. who knows how long we're going to get to have a chance together and I'm hoping.. he and I.. will.. I mean.. be around.. ah hell you know what I mean."

Brenna: "Trust me I know. I should stop the car and shove you onto that carriage. We can catch up in the morning mate." She looked over at Gen and gave a stern look.

Genesis: "Yeah but I want to be.. perfect.. for when it happens and I'm.. hardly looking perfect.. honest I'm fine." Gen smiles.

Brenna: Brenna sighed,"Girl you always look perfect. What are you wearing the granny undies for me or something?"

Genesis: She rolled her eyes. "I am NOT answering that question thank you VERY much. I kinda wanted to wear something other then frickin jeans. Let's just go."

Brenna: Brenna laughed and pulled out driving like a maniac,"So Turkey was scary,huh? My dig was destroyed too. Think I was to close to something."

As the two got in the car and hurried off, thoughts of Rupert still lingered in her brain. What would happen?
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