Easter was fun, and needs to be remembered! We went to his grandparents' house, which is on Reily Road in Wyoming. It is STUNNING. The whole place is filled with these awesome antiques, my favorite of which is this
chair that was made with only one arm for men who wore a sword on their hip, so it wouldn't get in the way. (That's not their house, it's the best picture I could find online of one.) The place was just exactly the kind of well thought out unique personal luxury that I admire and aspire to.
So there was this amazing dinner spread, too, ham and potatoes and green beans and flan and some sort of crazy red concoction that had cranberry gelatin, tomato juice and horseradish, yet still tasted fantastic. There were fresh cut daffodils on the table that she had the foresight to cut before the frost, and hollowed out painted eggs from previous easters. We finished dinner with Irish Coffee (coffee, brown sugar, whipped cream and bourbon) while we painted more hollowed out eggs that had been prepared before hand, to add to the collection. Later we watch the Masters and then went upstairs to play with Karen & her sister's wedding dresses and headpieces and talked wedding. I felt amazingly comfortable and welcome and included. It helped that Ross (Brian's brother) brought his girlfriend, who is totally cute and fun and friendly.
It was a really great time, and I was actually reluctant to leave when the time came.