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winterweathered February 2 2010, 10:40:01 UTC
There's something about your stories that makes me want to take notes in the margins. I do that with books - I started my senior year of high school, when I read Blonde by Joyce Carol Oates, and there were so many perfect moments that I felt like I needed to highlight them so that I could go back later and re-read the book not as a reader, but as a writer, so that I could focus on all of these masterful turns-of-phrase and pieces of dialogue and not just experience them as entertainment but also learn from them. Anyway, I take notes in all my books now, so that I can sort of go back and absorb the technique and not just the story. YOU MAKE ME WANT TO DO THAT. I don't know if I'm making a ton of sense, but I'm basically saying that you're amazing and I am like, humbled to know you, even in an impersonal internet kind of way.


Be glad you weren’t around when Mab had Fairy Acquisitions doing brisk business.


It's really late and I have to look pretty tomorrow, sans dark circles and bloodshot eyes, so I'm going to go to bed, but I'll come back for my writerly re-read and leave you some margin notes disguised as slightly less rambly feedback. Okay? Okay. Also, I love you. The end!


indysaur February 3 2010, 09:03:43 UTC
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam. This is random and a dip into mutual admiration sort of, haha, but I was playing around with some rough FNL fic the other day and it made me appreciate your Tyra/Lyla story so much more! That show has such a distinctive voice and such a full world that it's hard to find unexplored spaces and new revelations, but you did it so easily in that fic! I think about your Tyra sometimes like she is real.

ANYWAY, thank you so much! I don't know! You are great and I am always finding new ways to be impressed with you and grateful to you. <333

I am sorry this kept you up but I hope your day today went fantastic!


winterweathered February 3 2010, 09:06:02 UTC
KIM. I was just talking to kzams about this today, but YOU NEED TO SEND ME THAT FNL FIC. I saw it, bookmarked it, and then you TOOK IT AWAY. Unacceptable!!!!

I still owe you more feedback on this story, so, you know... feel free to wait with bated breath.


indysaur February 3 2010, 09:20:55 UTC
Hahaha, oh man! It's not ready! I posted it in a fit of impatience, but then i read it over and I was like, ho, shit. I will send it to you after I take a pass at it! In the MEANTIME, write me more stories about JASON. I miss Street! I used to vaguely ship Jason/Tyra that first season...lol, SUBTLE HINT, BRO.


winterweathered February 3 2010, 09:24:55 UTC
I sort of wish we'd gotten more time with Jason before his accident, you know? When I was writing that fic I almost felt like I had to imagine a whole new character because so much of who he was grew out of that one incident.

I'll see! Once I'm done with my help_haiti obligations I've made a promise to myself to write some het.


indysaur February 3 2010, 09:34:02 UTC
Oh man, I've been wanting to write het so bad that I've been on the hunt for new fandoms for inspiration. Most of SPN's ladies are six feet under. Do Jason/Tyra! I think that could be super neat; I love the idea of them noticing each other when they were younger, and kind of half-hoping it might be possible, before they got locked into their roles of golden boy and school tramp respectively. Remember when she was all over him at the Panthers fundraiser thing at Buddy's car dealership and then Lyla showed up and Jason stammered apologies? So great!

You put your finger on my exact curiosity about Jason, though! He does become someone brand new after the accident; I loved getting a look at who he might have been preseries.


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