May 28, 2005 19:15

Just thought I'd post some pictures and let yall know what Laney has been up to these days, besides eatting everything and walking everywhere! :)

He has learned to say "hi" and talk on the phone, its just too cute!
"Have your people call my people..."

Playing in Grandma's tupperware cupboard
"I know that lid is in here soooomewhere..."

Playing in the water and dirt today
My very own Joe Dirt

Bath time...after playing in the water and dirt today (he has major chapped lips!)
Super Cheeseball!!

Man, I am just blown away at how this first year has just flown by, its hard to believe Lane will be a year in a little over a month! Well thats all for now, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Memorial weekend! ENJOY!!
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