Supposedly I didn't sign up for direct deposit of my paycheck early enough, because t
he money didn't get deposited on the 15th. Grr! Instead, they are mailing me check. Problem #1 - my bills all automatically debit from my account right now. Prob #2 - Bloomington doesn't have a Wells Fargo Branch, so I can't just deposit the check. Problem #3
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Comments 7
Do you have a joint account with your mom? Maybe your mom could cash the check for you if you mailed it to her? (My mom and I have a joint for me, just in case I die.)
Good luck with that guy!!! What's he like??? Lemme know if I can help with anything! =D
Hm. :7 Well, at least you can take heart that the check shouldn't expire (unlike rebate checks).. That sucks that there's no Wells Fargo nearby. There's a Washington Mutual about 4 miles from my home, but I don't have a car to drive over there. :P Hope it all works out in the end! Money woes are *SUCH* a pain! >_
Happy belated Birthday Indy =)
This is my opportunity to wish you a belated Happy Birthday because I've been wanting to do this for a long time. (and school has this funny way of completely deterring and killing my brain.)
So...Happy Birthday Indy! *hugs you and offers you complementary chocolate cake*
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