Doctor Who 7.02

Sep 09, 2012 14:12

Overall, enjoyable.

~ I liked the two-thirds that were utter crack much better than the third that was serious.

~ Not to say there weren’t serious bits I liked. Mostly, I knew that the Doctor would call himself worthless when he figured out what the scan was.

~ I was a bit disgusted when I realized the title really was “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.” I’d hoped that was just fandom being fandom. As a writer, I still feel that way (though I admit some of my titles are no better). But as a title, it fit the episode perfectly and thus did its job.

~ Has anyone else noticed that the “Doctor Who” in the title sequence changes to match the episode? Last week it was Dalek bumps. This week it was aged metal.

~ Rory said he’s 31. Guess that makes Amy the same age, what with the scenes from LKH. And still the Doctor’s messing up her life. She said in TEH-- in regard to her kissogram outfits and Jeff’s grandmother not quite knowing what’s going on there-- that she dabbles. That’s now literal. Perfume company, model, and who knows what else. But apparently, the Doctor’s visiting them more often that just the adventures we see.

~ Rory’s still a nurse! And he travels with a mini-medpack!

~ Oh, god, please don’t let that bit about the Ponds leaving only by death be foreshadowing. Please please please. (Why yes, the reason I’m not as excited about this half of the season as I could be is because I’m dreading the final episode. I don’t want my Ponds to leave. And for anyone reading this who doesn’t know me [which I rather doubt]: I’m spoiler-free and want to remain that way.)

~ Triceratops! The triceratops as basically a Silurian dog! My headcanon, and no one will be able to tell me different: it’s still alive. Yup. Still alive. ‘Cause they’re my favorite dinosaurs and have been as long as I can remember.

~ Amy Pond: “I will not have companions who flirt!”

~ the Doctor’s actions toward Solomon (some twist on the name, huh, if going for the wisdom side?): cold, but not out of character.

~ I didn’t like: Nefertiti going off with the hunter (going from a queen to a sexist white man’s lover in 1902… something tells me she’d hate it in fairly short order), Nefertiti propositioning the Doctor in the beginning, and the fact that the bad guy was disabled.

~ The scan not knowing who the Doctor is was more than just continuity. It’s the Doctor’s safety. He was worried until the system couldn’t identify him. Because if it could, that means the Silence could come to learn he’s still alive. (And really, how has he been keeping to the shadows? It seems to be business as usual for him.)

~ One very major question: how does Rory’s dad not seem to know who the Doctor is or what Amy and Rory were doing?
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