the goodwill in flori - duh !

Dec 30, 2008 23:50

so my friend and i are at the goodwill. i'm quietly scoping the shoes when this older man (like 60) approaches me and is like "i'm shopping for my friend who is about yr size - except she is about a 36D - would you mind trying on this jacket for me to see if it fits?" (note: i am obviously nowhere near a 36D.) but of course i'm like "sure!". then he's all pulling down the jacket and like - "rotate!" ok. its a little weird but whatever, so is florida. but then he's like "put some socks in the breasts will you?" um, ok? and then theres another shirt, and another shirt, and another shirt. then he's like "are you a dancer?" um no. "do you want to be ?" um no. "do you want to go to this club with me tonight to see these dancers? i can make you one too!" um no. "try on this other shirt! just 8 more!" um NO ! "dont worry i'm not a creepy old man or anything." OH Really !
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