Mar 07, 2020 17:08
Well @ 05:42 pm
I think my interview went alright. It's just really hard to have an interview with your manager when she was just telling you minutes before of her drunken 8 hour binge at the bar on Friday. Maybe she senses the Lucious Lush in me?
I also had the interview with the Associate Director, who is also supremely friendly and approachable. So it was quite hard to maintain formality during an interview, and I kept being ultra laid back and I think I apologized for it and they were like "It's cool" considering they were reading me the THIRTY (!!!) scenario/interview questions from the computer and not a print out because our system printers went down...again...and hurridly were taking crib notes of my answers and writing the questions on legal pads.
I also had to do a writing sample of a memo that I would send to my employees if I get the Mgmt. Coordinator position. Which is lame for the fact that I have to CONSTANTLY write out memos for the Employee Handbook stuff.
Within the interview I think I came off as:
Way too relaxed
Very knowledgeable
A down to earth person
Practical with real life situations.
Hopefully they appreciate these.
I will find out Friday.
Other than that work was alright. Not much to write about.
Same as it ever was, except not hungover and actually care about my job. I will be interviewing for my current position soon so this is pretty relevant.
A LOT has been going on, but its mostly mundane as I have just been real busy with work and etsy and doing a bunch of errands.
I guess the Covid-19 thing is very topical since Seattle is one of the worst cities for it, but I still think there is a thing about being OVERLY cautious! Things are being cancelled left and right, people are buying all the tp, water, and hand sanitizer, and most of all, my job wants me to think about working from home for the next few weeks. Me and the two other people who actually CHOOSE to NOT telecommute are very anti this as there is a reason we want to be on site. It's ridiculous. However, in the end I wont have the choice, I will just keep checking my work email throughout the weekend to see if I have to and I need to download the VPN on my laptop to see if I can even remotely access my PC at work to remote in. I use dual monitors at work and need them so doing my job on the laptop will be a giant PITA if I have to. Also I really dont want coworkers having my cellphone number, and since i am the interim lead they will need it, cause when I am at the office I obviously have a work phone so ugh. Fingers crossed that I am allowed to go into work, I know its precautionary but real talk: I have the immune system that only a person who rides public transit can aka a very strong one. I am rarely sick. I get sick once every three to four YEARS. I dont have anyone of questionable health I live with, and even going into my apartment building and whatnot I sanitize my hands. So like, no, I dont think I should be forced to work from home. Also this virus has made a great time of year appearance as its allergy season here in Seattle so if you catch me at the tail end of my day you will find me sniffling a bit since my meds wear off after 12 or so hours but I swear its the trees! I mean I know people should know to be cautious but the media is driving me INSANE with it. INSANE. It makes me want to go and lick utensils at a restaurant to prove a point.
Paul has been having a tough time as of late so he finally got his meds switched and knock on wood they seem to actually be working better than the old ones, hurrah! I wont say this to him cause then he will look for reasons why they might not be but he's been in a much better headspace and its great!
Etsy has been busy but thankfully no orders yet today which is nice as i am super tired
I should practice drums but my body is saying " dont leave this couch please" and I aught to listen to it considering I went to bed at 8:30PM last night and slept until 7AM non stop. Ahhhhhhhhhhh
I get paid Tuesday so gotta pay bills and since my interim job is still interim it means I get to buy myself another pair of shoes and a dress. Until that money is part of my real salary for a job title I told myself I could go crazy and by crazy I mean treat my self every payday to shoes and a dress equal to the pay difference. I am so good to myself! I should save it but if I am working myself into this much exhaustion I am going to look damned good when I do it. I think this pair will be navy since I actually do need navy flats, I needed them more than red, but I wanted red more so now I will buy my need: navy. The pay after that, unless new colors come out, I am buying MINT which will go with so few things but I seriously want mint shoes. I do have a mint dress and a few dresses that have mint in them so there ya go. So shallow
Okay off to see what this work software does to my laptop