So, I love my flist.
Actually, that’s a lie - mostly because I love only half my flist and really don’t know the other half, and this recent post by
syrraki got me thinking - really thinking - about what I've been considering for a while now. I’ve been missing her posts because they always get pushed to the back of my Friends page by other entries which
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I mean, wth, you're absolutely right, he's shirtless, why complain? XD - Exactly *points to icon* Shitless and wet = hell yeah, moar. ♥
And wardrobe change - OMG YES! I must tell you how disappointed I was with his new clothes. I mean, sure, the high collars do make him look cooler and I like that he lets his hair hang over his face like that it makes him look ridiculously sexy XD, and also that his sleeves are shorter - those are some nice arms right there - but! BUT! We no longer have the fangirlish pleasure of looking at his chest. CHEST. Do you get what I mean? chest! no wonder Kishi's sales took a plunge recently XD
I want him to lose the whole loose pants thing, and the bow. - Oh, the purple bow? Wow, was Orochimaru ever a fashion-confused psycho that bow makes Sasu-chan look like a gay pirate Seriously. Yes, he needs tighter pants. It'd definitely be fanservice for the fanboysgirls. XD
Nail polish - oh gawd, you just did not mention that. I-- I have a fetish or nail polish!fics, and it's all Akatsuki's fault. I mean, seriously, they have to go shopping for nail polish sometime. Even evil doers run out of things to do from time to time you know... and when they do, they go shopping for lacy bras and underwear *is shot*
Wasted Years - *insert much squealing* WASTED YEARS?!! Dear god, you've got to be kidding me - I loved that fic to bits. And you’re right - Yanagi was so kickass and yet flawed and not Mary Sue-ish at all. I usually cannot stand OCs - there are a few fics I stay the hell away from and nothing makes me hit the back button faster than an OC. But I stuck with WY and was seriously ~*dazzled*~ by he entire fic and left utterly despondent and empty and yet strangely sated after reading it.
I can never forget the way you feel. - That sentence elevated the fuc from 'great' to ';epic' for me. Normally, I'd blanch at such a cheesy line in a SasuSaku fic, but the way Mizerable did it was fantastic and utterly heartbreaking. There were so many bits about the fic I loved. Although RNaT is what I prefer more - because it is canon/denial. You can probably name any great SasuSaku fic, and I'll have read it. Seriously, SS was my first big pairing, and I'll be loyal to it forever./determined
And askdljf a Sasuke who smokes is a Sasuke who is 2x smexier - Are you me?!
I lovelovelovelove that he thought of Sakura while, well, 'doing it'against his will but not really with Oro. *sniggers* It's the sort of dirty thing that people end up hating themselves for, but simply can't avoid = This. exactly. I loved that Sasuke couldn't look Sakura in the eye for most of the fic. And that scene where they lean into each other and almost kiss - I won't fail you, Sasuke-kun. You never have. - was the most SasuSaku fanon moment in history.
Listening to the OST automatically alleviates your worries, makes you feel better. ~*Cooking*~ is all about the ~*feelings*~ you put into making food. I think. I wouldn't know So I totally understand why you listen to the OST while cooking. XD
I love Morita's moment of weakness where he wanted to give up and drag Hagu down with him, but she wouldn't let him give up - That's Hagu for you - she might look like she'll break any moment, but deep down, she has a spine of steel. And angsty and cure? Of course - that ducky broach Morita makes for Hagu at the start of the series has so much meaning packed into it. sighhh~
and have you read that Spin off about Nomiya and Ayu? - What? Where? D:
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