So, I love my flist.
Actually, that’s a lie - mostly because I love only half my flist and really don’t know the other half, and this recent post by
syrraki got me thinking - really thinking - about what I've been considering for a while now. I’ve been missing her posts because they always get pushed to the back of my Friends page by other entries which
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Comments 66
And I'm shy.. so... yeah.
But I do love your writing and I do love your posts. I just haven't gotten around to making comments because.. well... my lj has gone ignored for the better part of a month due to my mmorpg addiction. But you know, with my computer dead, the addiction's practically fixed. or maybe i'm still in withdrawal, but whatever. Also, about the lack of fandom stuff-- well, it's mostly because Sasuke has made himself terribly terribly terribly scarce in these previous chapters and (as much as I love him) Naruto just doesn't interest me much as a character. XD I'll wait for Sasuke to reappear before I flail at the sight of a naruto update once more. lol.
And you *did* write that awesome orosasu that made me flail nonstop the other day so I think we'll get along fine. XD So, uh, gimme another chance? I'm currently relearning the lj ropes and getting comfy once more after months of inactivity. lol. XD ( ... )
I sort of knew you were shy - it says you're hard to get to know in your profile, so I figured... :) And I'm totally fine with it.
mmorpg - oh, don't tell me! I used to be crazy about online rpgs before I got into fandom, but thankfully, that addiction's cured! but my fandom addiction isn't D: if you're still in withdrawal, we can commiserate together, yay!.
Yes, Sasuke has made himself terribly scarce - he's probably busy staring his eyes body in the mirror and thinking about revenge he's too sexy for his shirt XDD Like you, I love naruto to bits, but there's something more ~*alluring*~ about Sasuke in general (his psychotic tendencies, for example). Gawd, I'm waiting to see him as well (sheesh, no doubt it'll be yet another grand entrance, followed by another he's-finally-lost-it laugh. Our beloved uchiah is such a dramaqueen.
/rambling too
What Orosasu smut might you be ( ... )
Ah, and you hit it spot on!! That's it! His psychotic tendencies!!! All that misplaced passion!! That aura of danger-- it makes him smexy as hell. XD lol. *headdesk* You know, you're most likely right-- a grand entrance and a psychotic laugh. D: I don't know what to think. Each time he laughs like that, I feel like it chips away at the SasuSaku possibilities. o.o
Yes you do, *pokes* lol. XD Dun deny your powarz. Oh no, I didn't force her to write OroSasu Smut, I just forced her to read it, or them -- I gave her some links to awesome OroSasu smut, one of which is from 'Regret not a thing' by Mizerable on And the other one's yours, teehee. That was awesome beyond words. I love OroSasu smut, especially realistic ones where Sasuke loses his dignity and virginity to Orochimaru's tongue-acrobatics. lol ( ... )
All that misplaced passion!! That aura of danger-- it makes him smexy as hell. - Hell yeah! That is exactly what I was talking about. I'm actually excited for another Sasuke vs insert name fight, because seriously, it's yet another chance to see him crazy and psychotic and shirtless XD.
h no, I didn't force her to write OroSasu Smut, I just forced her to read it, or them - I might seriously love you. It's people like you that keep OroSasu - and consequently, the darker, grittier - side of fandom alive. *nodnod* I salute you!
And omfgashjkdhakja, did you read Regret Not a Thing? Possibly my favourite Sasuke-centric fic ever, because that is how Sasuke should've been, but nooo, Kishi just had to go and convolute his ( ... )
And I love Morita/Hagu :D they are my OTP... coming to think about it, I haven't writing anything about them ;_;.
And oh, Morita/Hagu is just amazing - I lovelovelove them and how sweet and awkward they're around each other but really, they don't need words. They're both cute, they're both geniuses in their own way, and they understand each other, so that's enough. :') And you definitely should write more! I mean, I adore your graphics works, but I'd still love to see more writing from you as well! ILU vejibra-chan~♥
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