fly casual...

Jul 25, 2008 09:33

I finished phase 2 of my X-country flight training this morning, landing with exactally 7 minutes to get to work at 8AM. I managed to utilize my stuntdriving skills and made it right on time...give or take a minute :-)

This morning's flight was to Madison. It took me 56 minutes each way, and was overcast and cloudy. The guy at the control tower needed practice talking people in, which was cool because I was having a hard time seeing the ground. He told me exact headings to be on and it went very well. I got to fly casual and just follow his directions. I'm still learning the proper responses, but overall I think it went well. We also turned on a bit of equipment that makes us visible to their radar. You have to announce yourself 10 miles outside of their airspace, and also when leaving their airspace. I am sucking at recognizing ground landmarks, like railroad tracks. I fixate on towers and their flashing lights (It's shiney!) as well as water towers. hey, water towers typically tell you the name of the town you are over! My landings are improving and I am even starting to hold the centerline. I tend to pull to the left, so I'm actually aiming a bit off of where I think center is. I wonder if this is because my right eye is the weak eye and my depth perception is altered.

Sunday is a 'triangle flight' between the 3 airports. Basically all of this is to meet the FAA requirements for distance/time as pilot in command. I think that after this tirangle flight I am cleared for solo x-country but am not certain. Need to look that up.

No word yet on the water thing. "Estimate is in the mail". I told them I don't want an estimate-I want them to start work!! NOWNOWNOW!!!
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