I believe that I'm suffering from my first stomachache in ages. I've got this annoying pain each time in breathe in, but it's not like it's in my lungs, it more like the lungs are applying pressure to my stomach, which is causing it pain. It's been going on for a few hours, and even survived a nap I took earlier, which is quite surprising. Oh well, I shall survive (I think).
This is probably all the cause of eating McDonalds earlier tonight… A love-hate relationship that I have with being at home is all the fast food I end up getting here (odd how that works… I eat more fast food when I'm at home than I do when I'm up at college). Anyway, the change in my diet from simple, make-it-in-the-dorm foods to fast food always causes me stomach problems, but this one is quite painful. Grrr.
And in other news…
When I took my nap, I had the most explicit dream about Dean Cain… Which is quite odd and out of the blue in my opinion, but it was an interesting dream, too explicit to post in my journal though.
Also, I've been recording some Shakespeare movies on my dad's DVR… At the end of the day, I'll have recorded right around 24 hours of movies in a single day! The first one I got, Othello (1922) was a bit too old… It was a "silent movie" which I've never really been able to watch those… It's always been too annoying. Fortunately, TCM is also showing two more versions of Othello, both more recent, and I'm recording those as well. I also grabbed not only the 1936 Romeo and Juliet, but also the 1996 version (which was shown on 5-Max). I hate to admit it, but I kind of think Leonardo DiCapri is hot… So I just had to record it.
My Shakespeare movie binge goes like this:
1: Othello (1922)
2: A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935)
3: As You Like It (1936)
4: Rome and Juliet (1936)
5: Julius Caesar (1953)
6: Henry V (1945)
7: William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet (1996)
8: Hamlet (1948)
9: Othello (1966)
10: Tragedy of Othello: Moor of Venice (1952)
Also on my list of classic recordings that I've done in the past 24-hours is Moby Dick (1956) and Les Miserables (1935). Oiii, this is a lot of classics to watch… I'm a little scared of movies that are before the 1940s, since they are usually poor quality, in black and white, and a little further back is where the silent movies exist, which I cannot stand.
There's been a lot of snow recently, and it's not going away at all. Just now, a bunch of it fell off of the roof, making a loud crashing sound, which had sounded a lot like how I would think someone falling off of the roof would sound like… Ah well, tis the season I guess.
Well, back to my movie… I'm watching "Assault on Precinct 13" right now, and then it's back to Shakespeare.