I've been ignoring LJ a bit recently, I've been a bit busy with homework and all the reading assignments. I've also been trying to keep up with my CBT videos. So much stuff to do, so little time.
My MCSE teacher is just wacky. He's got pneumonia, and he's teaching our class! He's on meds now, but that's why he missed last Thursday. One thing that I can't understand about him is how he can stand doing his own consulting business and teaching at the same time. He had to quit his "day job" over summer so he could peruse his business and keep teaching. He is one impressive guy, especially with how much he knows about MCSE.
Today's Walk
I went on a walk with James again today - he wanted to go to the trails, but there's one place I hate walking to at night, and that's the trails. I managed to talk him into taking a walk there during the day some other time (by just walking into the city and refusing to walk to the trails ^_^;).
Anyway, we ended up going a bit of the back-way to Curwood this time... We started by heading into town via M52, but I forgot the sidewalk ends not far up M52, so we headed back to S. Washington and did our usual walk along that trail - Curwood Trail? Kiwanis Trail? Hathaway Trail? I'm not sure of the name... Anyway, we walked under the second bridge, and came out within eye-shot of the Hathaway Bridge (which I usually call the Curwood Bridge anyway) and we noticed that the Shiawassee river was even lower today than it was a few days ago.
When I last went on a walk with James down by the river, we sat right by the river and chatted. It was cold that night, but it was pretty cool to sit by the river and just talk. This time, the river had receeded even more... The breakwater thing that's always been submerged every time I've walked in the area was quite dry this time. For those of you who don't know the area, there's a breakwater coming from each bank of the river with nothing in the middle - it's a sort of \ / shape (although, more _ than \) - so things sort of keep moving thanks to the "intentionally left open" section.
So, we decided to walk out onto it and sit in the "middle of the river" and talk. It was quite odd to be sitting on this artificial "island" in the middle of the Shiawassee... The water was rushing around us in such a way that it really did feel like we were sitting in the middle of the river. James decided that after we finish our usual talk on the bridge, we would go over to the other bank and sit out there and chat. And that's exactly what we did.
James asked me to take a picture many many times, but I decided on my own to try and take a photo of this scene... And it's horrible... Aside from two lights that were reflecting in the water (that look like headlights on a car) it's difficult to make anything out in the photo... So, I'm not going to bother wasting the bandwidth of TinyPic.
After we left the river, we ended up walking into town, seeing a few hobos, and we eventually got into an argument over something stupid (the history of the Space Race - btw: Sputnik was in space before the Kennedy speech, but the CCCP was the first to put a man --and later a woman-- into space. From Wikipedia - so we were both wrong, and both right... just on different things). But, things didn't turn out so well at first... I ended up getting steamed up enough that I needed to be alone and I just walked off ignoring James. I didn't talk to him again until he messaged me about an hour later, that's when we cleared things up, and everything's back to being normal again -- well, as normal as it was before.
--Off to sleep am I. Laterz.