Jan 01, 2009 11:12
This time last year I was sleeping off one of the worst nights of drinking I've ever done.
This year, I sat on the floor in front of the TV and watched the ball drop whilst high on cold medicine and chocolate pie.
I don't know which I prefer; they both have their merits. I do love in some ways being an old lady. I like that I can have fun doing absolutely nothing. But I also remember loving that I was soooooo hammered last year. It was highly entertaining, although distinctly painful the next morning.
I love my new haircut.
And I had a great trip. Columbia application is in. Today I plan on chilling out, maybe do a little reviewing for my first training session, which is tomorrow, maybe going to see Slumdog Millionaire with Anne and Alex and Will. Maybe I'll just read a book. What a luxury to have free time....
Anyway. Goodbye, 2008. You will be regarded as one of the most interesting and hardest years to date. 2009 promises to be totally fabulous, from hearing back about grad school in March, to wrapping up at Audubon, to possibly travelling to Madagascar or somewhere like it, to actually attending grad school come September. The future is a wide road, for sure.
Happy happy merry merry.