princeton review

Dec 19, 2008 16:46

So, somehow I did well enough on the GRE that they invited me to audition to be a teacher. Incredibly, incredibly funny considering how horrible I am at standardized tests as a general rule. Lucky for me, I aced the audition and am going to start the training in early January (moneymoneymoooney, MONEY!).

I also went to my physical therapist today to do more work on my knees. After experiencing a considerable amount of pain, she checked my knees again and finally felt the "clicking" that I always describe when explaining my knee pain. She said that she thinks a piece of cartilage or scar tissue might have broken off and is now floating around in my joint. I have to have an MRI on Monday to see if that's the case, and if it is, then I have to have knee surgery. Bummer. Oh, and skiing while I'm at home is out of the question. Sigh.
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