How will it end???

Apr 06, 2006 00:59

Well its almost the end of one very big, crazy, fun, unpredictable chapter of my life, but will it have a happy ending? I'm excited because I'm almost done with school, but terrifyingly sad that I won't be able to see my amazing friends and roommates anymore. I've known Sharp all 4 years, Nana 3 years, and Kelsey and Viz for 2 years. I've lived almost everyday for the past 2 years with these girls, they've been with me, supporting me, loving me, and laughing with me for the best years of my life (so far). They tell me the truth even when it hurts, they love me even when I do something wrong, they interpretive dance with me in the living room, they share hours of countless discussion about nothing and everything, they hug me when I cry, laugh at me when I do something stupid, steal my clothes and let me steal theirs, encourage me to have as much fun as possible, inspire me to be strong in all aspects of my life, and so much more. We never fight, we can never stay mad at each other (even if it's something big), I love them and I'm not sure how I will handle leaving them.

I know I'm not losing them, they'll still be in my life, I just won't be able to see them everyday, maybe only once a year. That's why they all better stay in touch, and not like when you graduated high school and said you would stay in touch and moved on in a heart beat, but really stay in touch. A friendship, and a group friendship at that doesn't come along that often. To quote sex & the city "it's hard to find people who will love you no matter what....I was lucky enough to find 4". These girls are an amazing part of my life, and I want it to stay that way, they can't just be a part of a chapter, they have to be in the whole damn book.

To be totally honest I'm just scared. Scared to move away from my security blanket, to be done with school FOREVER and actually have to start working full-time, all the time, to not have my weekends start on Thursday, to be in a town I don't know, with people I don't know, with a job that I hope I'm qualified enough to do, away from my family, my friends, and everything that means HOME.

I'm gonna be 23 in a month, Bruce is 25, I'm not a kid anymore. I hear about friends and friends of friends that are getting engaged and married and I want to more then you know, its just weird to think that I'm "at that age" where those things start to happen. In a couple months I will be living with Bruce, we'll be starting a life together, and that's crazy to me (we finally compromised on Longmont Colorado, a beautiful place close enough to the mountains and a city so we can both get our way). One part of me is getting inpatient and wants to be done now, and another part of me doesn't want it to end.

The day I say goodbye to my friends I will cry, no actually I will ball my eyes out, so much so they will swell shut and I won't be able to see, and I will be too choked up to talk. So here's how it goes - finals done May 4th, driving up to the UP with Bruce May 7th (my birthday!!!) coming back May 14th, starting summer classes May 15th, ending summer classes June 22nd, packing up, leaving Jamestown, and driving home June 24th, Moving to Colorado early July. I don't have much time left, so I need to make the most out of it and spend it with friends and family, cause Lord knows how much I will miss you all.
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