Finally Free? (End of School)

Jun 05, 2008 12:00

Well, school is finally over and soon I'll be off to college. I cannot help but feel both anxious and nervous at the prospect of going to college. I'm anxious because it will be a new situation where I'm open to more possibilities yet nervous because I'm not sure if the people are cool or not.

Anyway, this summer I will do what I usually do in summers: do exercise, learn some skills (I plan to concentrate on languages although I should continue what I was doing last summer, learning to play the guitar, as well), hang out with friends, and relax. In July I'll be able to go to Puerto Rico and see my friends there before heading out to college, while this month I'll also see my friends as well.

I have an odd feeling that the future will be an interesting, especially in the realm of politics. If history does indeed repeat itself, we might (although not likely due to the lack of draft) as well be seeing a repeat of the 60s if Obama/Democrats get elected. See, back in the 60s LBJ presented himself as the "peace candidate" yet once elected he instead increased the amount of troops in Vietnam. Again, the Democrats are trying to present themselves as the peace candidate but the likelihood is that they may as well fail on those promises (since they speak of vague "time schedules" for withdrawals) as it were in the 60s. That moment, when LBJ failed on his peace promise, the anti-war movement really turned militant instead of being subservient to Democratic electoral campaigns. A war against Iran is a "wild card" factor, since such an action might spark a need for draft and add fuel to the flame. If all this happens under a Democrat, then one can be sure than likely there will be more cynicism directed towards the U.S. government. The cynicism, disappointments, etc might allow an opportunity for the revolutionary alternative to be considered among the masses, especially if the economy continues the way it is (although the economy "recovering" might not hurt these chances since the living standards for workers have been in decline since the 70s no matter how well the economy is. "Middle-Class" living standards for most rest on a bed of credit cards and loans.).

If the Republicans get elected...all this could still happen yet the cynicism of the U.S. government and discrediting of the idea that "by electing xyz party/person all will be ok" will be postponed till the next election (or a future date).

Of course, these are just guesses...

Well I'm off (soon I'll be eating sushi...not really my kind of thing but it's been a while since I had some) yet before I leave here are some interesting articles for your viewing pleasure.

Edit: I didn't eat sushi...instead I had udon. Crazy stuff went down that night yet most of it had nothing to do with me so there's nothing to report.

Edge: Why the gods are not winning
(although we, atheists/agnostics, are winning in most of the advanced capitalist countries; the Religious Right is still a very influential foe in U.S politics that needs to be confronted actively, by attacking religion/superstitions, by the Left)

Largest Atheist / Agnostic Populations
(In case you got fed up with the religious and are deciding to emigrate away from them.)

atheism, agnosticism, end of school, predictions

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