Jun 08, 2008 01:30
While I didn't go to my graduation because I had to help my father get his impounded car, I did attend an after-graduation party of a friend of mine (this party started at 9:00).
I was the 1st guest to arrive and while things started slow the party "was getting going" yet unfortunately I had to leave early when it seemed it was getting good because I made the mistake of letting my father take me and pick me up from the place when I should have been adamant on the idea of driving myself there.
Anyway, I saw some high school friends who, unfortunately, I might be seeing for the last time. I hope that is not the case for most of the people in the party. I also meet Ariel's, who is the friend "hosting" (it was his mom of course) the party, family. Maybe one day Ariel would read this but on the record some of Ariel's female (yes, I have to make the gender distinction because than Ariel, if he saw this, would jokingly think that I meant his younger cousins) cousins (or I think they were his cousins; I'm not good with family titles) are quite pretty/beautiful and have a penchant for dancing, at least during the party. Also, there was no alcohol available to us (which would be a stark contrast to what some graduates might be having in Puerto Rico); I theorized that if it had been available than maybe people would have loosen up and partied more. The only complaints I had was the food and the small cup sizes for drinks.
What was odd was that Edgar, Ariel's top best friend, was not there before I was. I even began to "bet" that he wouldn't come, but he did in the end.
Chelsea, a friend of mine and of Edgar and Ariel, was unable to go. Maybe in the future we will plan something so we can all go hang out.
When I left the party I realized that I was in a good mood but than I quickly became ambivalent: I enjoyed the good times with my friends (and acquaintances) yet wished that these good times were forever/more often/etc.
I hope things turn out better for my life in the future and make this into a reality.
after graduation,