Dec 30, 2010 00:56
Clinical psychology rests on the idea that by "talking" about one's problem a solution or relief can be found.
I do not see how this would/could ever work for mild depression.
True, sometimes we over-exaggerate and go through a "depressive episode" triggered by an event or series of events. The most recent example was when Melissa rejected me.
But even when one gets through such an episode, the implications/conclusions/etc caused by the "trigger" linger and adds on to one's emotional baggage, so to speak.
Sometimes it's not just the conclusions but also the "what-ifs"
Let's be frank here, I've been alone for the longest while.
I feel I might end up forever alone.
I know this anxiety is the problem, the root cause. (I do not need a psychologist to tell me this)
Usually, after the depressive month that was November, I would feel ok and sometimes even optimistic.
But some nights I feel uncertain, uneasy, etc. Occasionally, I break in tears.
I do so more often than before November.
I know what I want, or at least I think I do.
But what I want, something so simple, seems so out of reach; monumentally unfairly so.
The whole situation lends itself to self-doubt and even self-loathing.
arrrrrgh I should just go to sleep; that's the best course of action for lonely people.
Sometimes I wish I had benzos or opiates just to make things easy and also make sleep come easy.
If I could I would sleep a lot, dream alot.