Jan 14, 2009 21:00
Well today I took quite an easy quiz...too easy for the time I spent studying. Then I went to my modern european history class, in which I thought I've done all my hw but then figured that maybe I have missed one assignment... : /
Later that day I finally had a chance to try spritz at Silvia's dorm/apartment. It tastes pretty good but it doesn't seem to be a strong drink (not that I know...maybe if I had 2-3...lol). We talked a bit till 8:00 (I arrived at 6:30..ok so maybe it was more then a "bit") in which she had to return to study.
After all this I return to my laptop...
As my 20th birthday nears I just can't stop thinking of my lack thereof of any romantic relationship currently. I keep wondering if I may end up lonely for a long long long long time or maybe forever.
silvia & spritz!,