Apr 26, 2009 08:49
That's me. On Wednesday I started feeling tired, and my throat was sore, and I had a bit of a fever... Then from Thursday through Saturday, I battled a raging fever (hovering around 101/102) and sinus issues. Finally on Saturday morning I decided I needed to go to a doctor, or I might die. It took a few hours to work up the strength and willpower to get out of bed, get dressed, and walk 15 minutes to the doctor. He looked at me, listened to my breathing, asked about my symptoms, took my temperature (and exclaimed over it), looked in my mouth, and asked me if I was always so red. Nope! Then he sent me off with a prescription. I'm now taking 8 pills/half pills 4 times a day for the next 2 days. They make me tired, but they seem to be working well. And I should be finished with them on Monday morning, which will leave me semi-alert for work in the afternoon. Not that I'll have to put in too much effort on Monday, because Monday and Tuesday are test days, but it'll be good anyway. I've never taken so much medicine in my life. But I like being able to sit up without feeling miserable. And not feeling like I'm about to die. I can also breathe now, though I'm still constantly hacking up chunks and globs of mucus. So all weekend I'm going to be reading, watching TV, and generally taking it easy.
I've loaded up on fruit, also! I had some way overpriced raspberries (so good!), huge red grapes with seeds, a couple of mini-watermelon-looking things that actually taste more like cantaloupe, and I've got a papaya in the fridge waiting for me. Mmm... Other than that, I've been mostly subsisting on vegetable soup.
Next weekend will be exciting. On Saturday I'm going diving with sharks with my coworkers. On Sunday Jenny and I are going to the Japanese festival in Nampo-dong. As a rule Koreans hate the Japanese, but Jenny doesn't act very Korean (she likes Japanese things, hates spicy food, and isn't too concerned with perfect looks - that's why I like her!).
Nasty stories of the week: First, I thought a kid was telling me that he liked to eat penis meat. But he was saying pig meat. Second, on my way down the elevator on Friday night, I saw lip-prints on the walls. Some kids are so nasty...
So that's my life right now. I hope I can stop hacking up sticky things soon! It's so gross!
I need to clean out Ottogi today... I had a dream that he was in a different cage, on carpet, and hadn't been cleaned out for about a month, and it was all nasty... but luckily, it's nowhere near that bad!