Triathlon Pt. 3

Aug 22, 2011 09:11

Hello Live Journal,

I've been away. I'm full of excuses. I'm sorry. I really like you and I want to spend more time with you. I just keep finding other things to distract me.  Since I am here, I figured I'd come back with a bang and tell you about my weekend.

On Sunday I raced in my 3rd Triathlon and I'm pretty damn proud. My goal was to master the race this time because I was working with a trainer and really wanted to do well. The perfectionist part of me feels I didn't master it, but the other part of me that's more forgiving is impressed.

The day started bright and sunny at 5:30. We got to the staging area at 6:30, just enough time for me to meet my fellow racers and go to the pre-race meeting. A guy three bikes down from me got disqualified because his bike didn't meet the race standards. Another couple had Styrofoam-looking bike helmets and almost got the boot but the race crew rounded up a couple of decent helmets and they got to stay. After the meeting, it was hurry up and wait and see how much everyone could sweat in their wetsuits before jumping into the Willamette River.

Around 8:20, it was my turn to jump into the river. It was cold and murky and I thought for sure an eight-headed fish could come and chew my feet off, but the feet of the Olympic swimmers ahead of me were far more tasty and I escaped the jaws of the Willamette River Monster.

My swim was better than it has been and it took me a few minutes to get my breathing and rhythm in place. At the turn around point, I looked back at the dock and swore they moved it. It seemed like a long way away.  When I did make to the dock, I jumped out and jogged up the ramp while ripping off my goggles and swim cap and peeling off my wet suit.

Because I am not a hard body racer, I had to change into my racing clothes after the swim so it took me longer than most people. I had a decent wetsuit this time and I didn't have to struggle with it. The lady next to me got back right as I was yanking my bike off the rack and said, "Good luck girlie! Race hard!" I smiled and ran toward the road where they announced my name and I was off! Ian didn't see me get out of the water so there are no pictures of me peeling off my wet suit and putting on my bike helmet. This is a good thing.

The bike portion was decent. I am still grateful for having a good bike because those hills seemed harder than last year. The good news is my bike held together while a few others lost their chains and got flat tires. I had to suck down one of those snot-like energy shots to help me keepg going through the bike race. Here I am being passed by some high-speed Lance Armstrong-like dude.

My transition after the bike race was quick and dirty and my legs felt a little wobbly but strong as I ran out of the staging area.

The run was better than previous runs and I only had to stop a couple of times when I got a nasty stitch in my side from not breathing enough. There was an aid station right before I crossed the Steel Bridge and I dumped a cup of water on my head which gave me the kick I needed to finish the race. At this point the sun was beating down on us and getting warm.

A few blocks from the finish line, my legs were getting cranky and I just wanted to be done. Ian was on hand to yell at me and told me to finish strong, so I dug deep and sprinted to the end.

Overall, I'm happy with my race. I shaved off 10 minutes from my previous race and was in much better shape. During the race I thought about whether I wanted to do another triathlon next year and I'm not sure. I would like to try a half marathon first and get into even better shape next year. But, I'll probably hit my head between now and then and decide to do it again.

I couldn't have done it so well without the help from my trainer Ken who put up with my whining and was the nagging voice in my head who told me to exercise when I had a million reasons not to.

triathlon finished!!

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