You get down there and find the big diamond, or you will never see that teddy again!

Sep 25, 2010 18:42

Dear Live Journal,

I've been neglectful. I've been away. I've been putting my own needs before yours. It's not you, it's me. Really.

I keep thinking each LJ entry needs to be a masterpiece of words and pictures documenting my fantastic life. When I do have things to say and report I see a mountain of unedited pictures and prepositional phrases and choose to stay at the bottom near the trail head. I'll let the air out of your tires but that's the farthest I'll commit. (Inside joke only one person... two people.. three people and the other two whose tires I let the air out of will understand)

As per my usual, I promise to be a better blogger. Stop looking at me like that. I will. If you desperately NEED updates from me check out my other blog Beautiful Lofty Things. I update it each Sunday or Monday. It's a supplemental blog to a talk radio show I provide content for.

But you don't care. You care about me. ME! ME!

So, here's a list of what I've been doing.

* I joined a writer's group that meets twice a month and I've made some excellent contacts and received helpful feedback on my stories. I also met with a writer who wants me to promote his new book! Woot!
* I joined a photographer's group that meets once a month in a funky little tea shop. I try not to spend money when I'm there but it's difficult.
* I don't sit still very well but I never did so that's not news.
* I am still employed full time and I have health benefits now.
* The Universe has been very generous in the gifts it's been throwing my way and I'm most grateful.
* I turned 37 two weeks ago and I'm not sure how I feel. I'm not saying I'm OLD. Hell, age is a state of mind but I'm not sure yet how I feel about 37.
* I have more time to read now that I'm taking Max to work. Some of the stand out books include Auntie Mame, The Hunger Games and Anthony Bourdain's book Medium Raw. Bourdain's book wasn't a stand out but I did enjoy it.

I went on a road trip to Ashland, Oregon a month ago with a good friend. We stayed in a yurt, attended two plays at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (Merchant of Venice and Twelfth Night) and visited Crater Lake. I wasn't able to take pictures of the Elizabethan Theater for fear of being beaten by an usher.

My friend Amy

I also took some pictures for my photography group this month. The theme, which they made me choose was Shadows and Light.

Haystack Rock

Candle at my birthday dinner

Downtown Portland

Ian and art

So that, as they say, is that. I hope you enjoyed the pics. I promise to not be such a stranger. For real. Maybe.

picture pages, ashland, updates

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