That crazed girl improvising her music. Her poetry, dancing upon the shore

Jan 20, 2010 09:26

Last Friday I drove through Portland rush hour traffic for an hour and a half to a place that should have taken me only a half an hour. I was taking a Freelance Writing class and got there half an hour late. I was so annoyed and upset I got a nasty headache that stayed with me until Sunday. I was restless and cranky on Sunday and Monday morning I woke up with hives.


But the class was great and I learned a lot. Someday I'll learn to relax.

I went for a hike Monday morning to try and soothe my frazzled hives and took this picture of Lacamas Falls:

This week I have been trying to stay focused but I'm so overwhelmed right now. I whined to the Universe to keep me busy and help me find things I really want to do when I grow up. So it did. I should have been more specific.

I'm going to take a yoga class in a few hours. Maybe that'll help.

Here's a random picture of a neighborhood cat we call Sable. He/She likes to hang out in our yard and in my herbs. I disturbed him/her and took this picture:

And last, Grendel would be Right Put Out if I just posted a picture of Sable and not him.

Go forth! Do stuff!

lacamas falls, picture pages, hives, grendel

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