You should have heard just what I seen

Jun 02, 2008 12:31

My usual Saturday blatherings were interrupted by rude boaters who felt my time was better suited by helping them rather than writing in my blog. What do they know?

My week was good and busy. I started knitting a new blanket for Ian have wandered into the world of intarsia. Hopefully I won't screw up the skull pattern on the blanket. If I could knit a Cthulhu into it I would but I'm not that high-speed. The weekend was even better because we got to have "Welcome Back to Portland!" dim sum with the New Mexico gang. The best part about having the New Mex' gang back (besides the fact that they are nice people) is that rosenthol7 can shepherd us back to the ways of ordering dim sum instead of having us all stare at each other blankly when the food cart comes around.

After dim sum on Sunday we (meaning Ian and I) were going to do be productive and do yard work but the grey clouds and rain sapped all of our energy so we mostly sat around and played computer games and knitted. I made a nice veggie soup for dinner. On Saturday we went and saw Iron Man again and then went out for a nice drink after the movie. I enjoyed the movie the second time but not as much. The scenery was still nice. *wink wink nudge nudge*

I told Ian I was going to exercise and get groceries today and that's about it. I've managed to accomplish those two items on my list and ignore any nagging Inner Lutheran voices telling me I Should Be Doing Something Productive.

I registered for the Lil' Escape (mini-triathlon) and have my piece of paper telling me to get my arse to Cascade Locks sometime in September. I'm excited and the "training" is going well. I can run for 36 minutes now. Woot!!! I had to take an inventory of what I was doing and realized I wasn't exercising enough and making lame excuses, so I stepped that up a bit and now I'm trying to get in 5 days a week of exercise instead of 4. Today I ran and swam laps at the pool. Now I'm tired. I have some pictures from dim sum to post. I might do that later.

And on a final note, rest in peace Harvey Korman, Yves Saint Laurent and Bo Diddley.

knitting, delayed blatherings, triathlon, dim sum

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