Entry III

Sep 21, 2013 22:50

Entry: 3

Date: September 21, 2013

Sore throat: Yes.  Tiny amount of pain when swallowing.  Soothed by warm/hot water

Scalp: No change.  Still thinning-hair.  Dermatologist was no help.

Exercise: No.

Headaches: I had some two weeks ago. Very mild; on the top of head.

Earaches: No. Thankfully.

Allergies/runny/stuffy noses: No.  Not recently, anyway.

Wrists: Haven't bothered me since my last entry.

Shaved: Yes.

Period: YES. Started two days ago.  There was some leaking. Slowed down a little as of right now.

Back problems: Slight, occasional pain in lower back. None right now.  Happens occasionally.

Events:  I really, really, REALLY need to see a counselor. I am having serious thoughts of suicide; one per day.

I have started arguing frequently with my mother in increments of at least one argument every other day.  I don't know what's happening with her, but it's hard to sympathize with her when she gets argumentative over small insignificant things.  Like the way I walk around the house.


Yes, I compared the way I walk around our wooden floor house to the way my autistic brother RUNS and stomps, and she just starts going off and literally asking me, "Why? Do you finally admit you have disability like your brother?"  Over the way I walk around the damn house.

Seriously, Mom?  What are you going through that gives you right to act this way towards my sisters and I?  You need to talk to us.  (But she was raised in a very different environment, where mother was always superior to children.  We want to help her, but not if she acts like this to us.  We've never acted this way towards her, and we live under the same roof as our unpredictable, sometimes-violent, autistic 20-year-old brother.)

I called the Queen's Counseling Center.  They said I had to wait until the end of October for a damn counselor.  Thanks a lot, guys. -_-
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