The CS Department is toying with my emotions!

Oct 17, 2005 18:54

Originally, I planned to take:
SE465 (Testing), ANTH102 (Anthropology), CS444 (Compilers), CS454 (Distributed), and CS442 (Languages).

The first two so I can graduate with a Software Engineering degree, the last three because they're awesome. Unfortunately compilers, distributed, and languages were scheduled in a mutually exclusive (pick 2 of 3) situation. After months of agonizing and staring at the calendar I talked myself into swapping out Compilers for Machine Learning (CS498).

This morning I successfully enrolled in everything except Machine Learning. Quest predictably freaked out because I am an SE student with no STAT230, but I e-mailed the prof and was told to queue-up on the wait list with the other SE students. No problem.

Tonight I check my schedule on Quest and note that my Distributed section has been moved from 11:30AM to 4:00PM. Compilers is now open to me. In fact, I have now enrolled in Compilers. But now I have angst over missing Machine Learning!

Machine Learning offers a significantly nicer schedule, crazy material I know nothing about (epsilon nets! zuh?), and I would get to avoid the stress of: (a) finding a compilers group; (b) working with a compilers group; (c) irritating my compilers group because I'm slaving over a 5000-page test-plan for SE.
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