Help is being requested in bringing to the public's attention the plight of six Brooklyn friends who went on a Carnival Cruise to the Caribbean and have ended up beaten and jailed in Antigua over a dispute in the fair with a taxi-driver.
This X-Posted from
transgriotfeed's post
Free The Antigua 6 Rachel Henry, certified chef; fashion and runway model
Shoshannah Henry, singer-songwriter; law school student
Dolores Lalanne, social worker
Nancy Lalanne, licensed practical nurse
Joshua Jackson, crew chief for an international airline and a customer service representative for a utilities company
Mike Pierre-Paul, licensed practical nurse
They were part of a group of a dozen Brooklyn, NY residents aboard a Carnival Cruise ship that docked at Antigua earlier this month.
The six negotiated a $50 fare with a cab driver to tour the island, but ended up in a dispute with the cabbie when he demanded double the amount at the end of the ride. When the group refused to pay the new amount, he drove the passengers to a police station away from the port where the cruise ship was docked.
The group was subsequently arrested and beaten by the Antiguan po-po's. They are facing numerous charges and had an Antiguan court hearing at 2 PM yesterday in which the all pleaded not guilty.
(Clickety-click on fake LJ Cut for full story and where you can call, write and be generally helpful) Yes, please DO feel free to pass this on