Well, this is sure to get me in trouble . . .

Aug 16, 2005 17:58

. . . but sitting here working with CNN on in the background as my constant companion I am listening to the travails of the Jewish residents of Gaza leaving in advance of the change of governments for that particular piece of ground. And I am thinking . . .

. . . isn't anybody staying?

Governments do change. Several years ago my "hometown" was also underwent a peaceful "change of ownership" after many years of negotiations between two countries, [well, two empires really]. Yes, some people left, but really that was mostly for economic reasons, though some of them did carry on and say otherwise.

I know that in Israel proper there are what they refer to as "Israeli Arabs", [some Palestinian, some Bedouin and some other smaller groups I think]. As far as I know these non-Jewish Israeli Citizens vote, serve in the government, serve in the army, etc., etc.

Is the Palestinian Government ordering them out? That would be terrible. Then no-one should have agreed to this and there will be no chance for peace at this time.

Or did all the Jewish residents of Gaza just move there for fundamentalist religious or political reasons and therefore would not stay if not under a theocratic Jewish Government?

Aren't there just plain old people who just happen to be Jewish and who just happened to live there? Didn't anyone move there because they found a nice home at an affordable price, etc.? If yes, can't they just become "Jewish Palestinians" and continue to stay in their homes?

Also why do the residents and the Israeli Army appear to be destroying the homes [smashing windows, doors, roofs, etc.] as the people move out. Is just that the TV Crews are looking for dramatic footage and finding a few spoilsports or what?

The LJ's have a multinational constituency and New York is an international city, surely people can supply us all with a few first-hand facts here.

I know this is an emotional topic to some but please can we just discuss this reasonably? If people respond with statements of hatred I will just delete this post -- Thanks

Cross-posted to newyorkers

news, international

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