Our hell is a good life

Aug 01, 2006 13:57

What to update, what to update...

I was going to write a big chest-pounding, heart-wrenching entry about seeing Sleater-Kinney for the last time this weekend, but I've lost the necessary spark. If I had come straight home and purged all of the feelings here right after the show, instead of going to eat at the Waffle Steak (What?! It was really just a Waffle House) in Louisville, KY and then enjoying a beer in a hotel bar with my honey while a bride and her wedding party swirled around us in their finery to bad radio hip-hop, it woulda happened. So, now mostly, I'm at a loss for words about it. I did tear up many times throughout the incredibly muggy outdoor show, I felt proud to be a woman, I flashed back over and over again to the other times I've seen them, and I thought about Kari and how I wished she was there to see it, which I think I've done and will do at every show I go to until eternity.

Louisville is a cool little city, although I had to constantly shake off the feeling that I was in a 90s time warp. So many coffee shops, hip cafes and restaurants, boutiques, record stores, and long-haired grunge-attired types all contributed to the feeling. The first place we ate at out of sheer hunger-induced desperation was a place called Cafe 360. It was fucking terrible, worst food and service I've had in a long time, plus they had Rage Against the Machine, Blues Traveler, and Red Hot Chili Peppers in rotation. The whole experience nearly damned our whole trip but we didn't let it.

The next day we ate at Lynn's Paradise Cafe which was one of the best dining out experiences I've had EVER. The place is amazing, if you're ever in the area GO THERE. While Dan and I were chowing down on our fried green tomato sandwiches and sweet potato fries I turned around to take in the wildly decorated and packed dining room and came eye to eye with Carrie Brownstein of Sleater-Kinney. I pretty much just sat there shitting myself as Janet Weiss and Corin Tucker (and her adorable son) walked right behind us. Dan got all fan-girl and was craning to see Carrie, who is his rock n'roll crush (besides Stephen Malkmus). I wanted to run up to them to tell them how much they mean to me and how great their show was but I couldn't muster the courage. It was neat knowing they were there though.

I have a lot on the horizon and August looks to be a hot, long and hard month. The Dandybeards record will come out on my birthday, I will turn 25 (WHAT?), my brother will turn 21, Kari will have been gone for a year and life rolls on and just gets stranger and lovelier, and harder to reconcile.
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