Devil in a little black dress

Jun 15, 2006 10:08

I watched Jay Leno last night (blech) because he had Ann Coulter and George Carlin as guests and I was hoping George would lay the smackdown. Unfortunately he just grimaced and rolled his eyes and kept his mouth surprisingly shut. Needless to say I was pretty disappointed. There is just no end to what I could say about Ann Coulter, NO END. This entry would go on for days, maybe even weeks, and no one would read all of it and in the end she would win because I wasted so much of my life writing about her.

Instead I will leave you with a review my sassy and intelligent partner wrote for Itunes on his lunch break. I would say that it pretty much says it all, but there really is no way to say it all with this woman.

Satire at its Best *****

Man! For a minute there you really had me going, Ann. I really thought that someone could be filled with so much misguided hate that she would continue to write books that aim to further divide our great country along silly antiquated ideas of party-affiliation, religion, gender, class, race, etc. Classifications that don't really mean anything in the post-modern society in which we all exist, but that manipulative politicians continue to use against us. But then, just as I was about to give you a one-star review, it hit me. You're kidding. The whole thing is a joke, right? The frightening hardened features. The venomous hatred that spews from your tightly stretched face every time the camera light goes on. The whole, uneducated, bible-thumping,speaking-without-any-regard-for-the-facts-or-good-taste thing. What a clever ruse, Ann Coulter. Like Stephen Colbert without know...funny parts. I applaud you Ann Coulter. America applauds you. Because you define what our First Amendment rights are all about. Being able to say whatever you want, whenever you want. Even if it is poorly thought out, and totally unresearched (when last I checked Fox News does not count as a source for facts). Keep it up Ann Coulter, because America needs to laugh. And just like Harry Potter books taught children to enjoy reading again, your book gives every illiterate, racist, Confederate flag waving hate-monger an excuse to stop at the book store. Of course, they'll likely buy the audiobook...because they are illiterate, like I said above...I guess you're not the only one who can fabricate insanely fictional "facts." Maybe I'll write a book...

Lookin' forward to the next one,
Dan Coulter
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