gritty to trendy

May 16, 2006 10:04

It is painfully quiet in the office this morning. Yesterday was busy, everyone was cranky, office Dan was already here in his office behind me cussing at his email vociferously, coming out to apologize, cussing again. There were meetings, packages being delivered, random visitors. Today is just silent, very gray out, and cold. I'm using my cup of tea to warm my hands. Today I ate a Toaster Treat (Kroger brand Pop Tart) and watered the office plants. The PR intern starts tomorrow, I'm not sure why they hired her, she sounds like a scared twelve year old on the phone, and she will primarily be making phone calls. I'm listening to NPR, they're talking about immigration. I saw parts of President Bush's speech last night and it just seemed pretty weak, full of empty promises, empty plans, and to quote Arnold Schwartzenegger "a band-aid." When I tire of this I think I'll listen to Regina Spektor, there's only so much news a gal can take, especially when every other headline I read has to do with people dying. Don't worry though, I'm going to keep reading and listening and posting articles and information that make me mad, or make me sad, or make me want to do something about it. We're buying a couch finally (we've been sitting in side-by-side chairs like some sort of elderly couple)and I'm feeling some guilt about it. We have some unexpected money right now so instead of buying a used couch from the Salvation Army for $50 like we were going to do, we're buying a new one. We found a really beautiful brand new chocolate brown leather couch which we're getting for $550 (including delivery). It's a $2,000 couch and it just seems totally extravagant. I've never had a piece of furniture this nice before, I kind of feel like I don't deserve it or that we should be using the money for something else. Plus it's leather, and while I'm not a vegan and I have some leather shoes, etc. that just seems like a lot of dead animal skin for me to have around. But it is more of an investment than buying something that Bowie will just tear up and we'll just leave by the curb when we move out. We'll have this thing for yeeeeaars, and truth be told it is insanely comfortable and long enough for Dan to lay all the way across. I think the way I grew up will constantly cause me to feel guilt about frivolously spending money (or what I perceive to be frivolous) and I need to keep that under control, because sometimes it really is ok and it really does make sense. We played at the Emmett Art Show this weekend and it was a lot of fun. It was great to be involved in a benefit again, and this time be able to step back and enjoy it. Jason Lytle was amazing, like seeing a combination of Elliott Smith and Daniel Johston. He was nervous and completely endearing. A little girl sat on her dad's lap on the stage and watched him intently while he played. She was so enamored she asked for his autograph afterwards which seemed to embarrass him but made him smile. We're trying to get an album done by mid-June to put out on Agriculture Records. We also have a show in Athens at the Union on June 2nd. We joined Netflix because it's cheaper than cable and we watch a ton of movies. Our first movie should be here today, Cleo from 5 to 7. Every year it feels like time is just racing by...
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