I am a writer, writer of fictions

May 11, 2006 15:59

This is the biggest bunch of male-ego stroking bullshit I've ever read about: Do Loose Chicks Sink Dicks? Basically, the gist of the article is that a Washington Post article found that college dudes can't get it up....when girls want to have sex with them!

Even though they acknowledge that most widely prescribed anti-depressants have sexual side-effects, oh and that binge drinking is a big issue in college, and don't forget there's that pesky over-consumption of Red Bull, cigarettes, and prescription drug abuse. NOT to mention, that anxiety caused by not getting it up once can easily cause it to happen again. OH NO, it's the horny girls that are doing it.

I get it that the thrill of the chase can be quite a turn-on but it's not the only fucking turn-on, c'mon!
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