May 29, 2003 17:26
A kiss i missed
Falling from her lips
tender words
upon spoken whispers
my hands graze her hips
and all i feel is bliss
Breathing slowly
sighing deeply
YOu find ignorance in this
she took a chance on you
and every chance you blew
Now your screaming silence
in a beautiful song
Writing all you problems down
that go unsolved
Peaceful summers
and lazy days
Dreaming softly
in a blissful haze
flowers scented
her perfumed pillows
blankets and sheets
Landing softly
on padded feet
Rosebud cheeks
and misty dew drops
upon glossy lips
Your hand grazes her hand
and all you feel is bliss
The stars seem lazy
Dreaming crazy
of an earthly haze
Now your screaming silence
in abeautiful song
writing all your problems down
that go unsolved
* the best night i ever had sitting in the car and confessing all our feelings and not feeling bad for sacrificing a freindship for just one chance to admitt that you have a crush on me and being afraid to say the wrong things to destroy all that we have*
one day my freind one day we will be and then nothing will stop us from being happy -"tinker bell" you have all the time you need to repair this heart before i bleed