A Salute to Dwight K. Shrute

Jan 15, 2009 22:04

So.. Angela's a whore. Not even just kind of slutty, but a whole whore.

I kind of went into the episode expecting to feel bad for Andy when he didn't get the girl. I should of know what a  snakey slip of a woman Angela was when she refused to tell Andy, and just let Michael do it. Seriously WTF?!

It absolutely KILLED me when Andy had Dwight pinned to the fence with his car, when Dwight realized that Angela had actually been having sex with Andy too. It was almost as bad as the stairwell scene in season 5, when Jim has to 'rescue' him. I found it very reminiscent of Casino Night in the parking lot, when Jim told Pam. Thinking about it a lot of stuff goes down in that parking lot..

While i feel slightly sorry for Andy, I feel more so for Dwight. When you start watching you pretty much just fall in line after Jim, and want to prank Dwight.  But then as  you go along and watch more of the show it's sort of a 50/50. Before season 4 and the big JAM- you really needed Dwight to be there the rock, who didn't change. Pam and Jim were completely separated, and acting strange, but there was Dwight sold and stoic as a Shrute can get.    I really did like how in Season 4/5 Jim and Pam stepped up and 'helped' Dwight out with the Angela/Andy situation as he sort of did for them. At the very least he did pepper spray Roy.

So the wedding's off. I should really go and check the Angela & Andy wedding page. See how that's being torn down.

So Dwight K. Shrute I salute you. For always being there whether or not you were needed (let alone wanted). The Office would'nt be the same without you, and Neither would Scranton.

I'm starting to think maybe I'm taking my tv shows a little too seriously. Don't care.

On a completely unrelated note.
I finished step two tonight of the CA application process. Oh boy! I have a few more little tidbits of my application to fill out and then that's ready to go.  The downfall to the meeting- was the firedrill. It's  7 degree's on campus right now. The meeting was in my building..so i only had a plain sweater and my grandpa sweater. Which while very warm if you're just looking for another layed is not ideal to be standing outside in the snow for 15-20 minutes. brrr..I still haven't completely defrosted.

And i wasn't planning on it but I'm going home for the three day weekend. The girl who gives me a ride randomly texted me and said she was going home.  I dithered for about an hour, talked to picky_italian (who said that she was probably going home), and decided yes I was going home. Despite the fact that 3 hours earlier I had told my dad that I wasn't. Suprise!!  So now I'm waiting for my mom to get home from work so I can tell her. Once again Suprise!!  It's a 3 day weekend, and I'm going to stuff for my interview..like proper interviewy shoes.... And this way in theory I can be home to see The Blair House special on C-Span. Yay!!  (Sunday 7pm btw if you're interested).

Completely separate and still in the works. Through the family grapevine there has been some whispers of a centenial birthday bash.  I'm pretty psyched.  Oh yeah. For once I can honestly say I love math. 20+80=100. Happy august.

the office, the fam, home

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