How can you miss me? You have my number, my e-mail address, and my live journal address, but you never realy use them. You dropped me like nothing, and I fell hard. Do you know how long you stayed on my mind, every moment, of every day. You were my world for near two years and I wasn't myself after you left. Truth be told, I'm still not. My entire being was shattered and I'm still on a search for myself. If you were still around do you think I'd of ever gone to Cali? Do you think I'd of alienated my family? Did you ever think that I'd be sitting here 11 months later writing you a comment to a post that damn near brought me to tears because of the mention of my name. You have two choices now because I can't keep breaking down like this. Please pick one, or I'll assume the later. We will and never can be together again, that's not what this is about. If you want me in your life at all I'm more then willing to try, but you need to tell me that you want me to be a part of it. You don't have to miss me. But if you want to be free from me, then please forget me.
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