Dec 19, 2005 20:42
So much has happened between the last few entries. I can't believe it's already the nineteenth!
Grades came out tonight. B+ in Chem, A in everything else. Chem was RIDICULOUSLY difficult, but that shouldn't have left me with a B+. It won't happen again. ARGH. It makes me mad, especially because I know I'm the only one to blame. Julio and Dr. Krause were amazing.
Anyways...the last week I was in Gainesville (waiting to take my Speech exam, which was interesting, but I really didn't learn much!) was interesting, to say the least. Some of the best and worst memories I got. Overall, I think I came out of it for the better. First semester has taught me so much.
Like that med school is most probably where I'm headed, even if private practice isn't the first thing on my mind. I've thought a lot about our nation. And what it means to me. And how I, personally, can help and change it. And I've thought about the difference between helping my nation and helping humanity. In comparison to the welfare of humanity, what is petty politics?
I've realized how much my friends mean to me. Especially in college. You don't have your family to fall back on. Even those friends that you don't talk to much mean the world to you. Friend and family become nearly interchangeable.
As far as the more mundane stuff goes, I think I've learned to manage my time pretty well. Efficiency is your friend in college. But only if you can accomplish it. It's so easy to just let things slide. It's all what you make it.
And most of all, I've realized that this is true:
People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them.
George Bernard Shaw
As days go on, I believe in circumstances less or less. It's your choice what you make of them, not their choice to make of you.
Merry Christmas to you all :)