Stephen Hawking now says Universe was created from "nothing".
Speaking to a sold out crowd at the Berkeley Physics Oppenheimer Lecture on March 13 2007, Hawking said that he now believes the universe spontaneously popped into existence from "nothing" without violating the laws of physics (no god(s) required). He said more work is needed to prove this but we have time because 'Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end.'
Please note that "nothing" to a theoretical physicist does not literally mean nothing.
This is the exact quote he says at the end...
"I now think I can show how the universe was spontaneously created out of nothing, according to the laws of science. The universe exists, because general relativity and quantum theory allow and require it to exist. If I am right, the universe is self contained and governed by science alone." - Stephen Hawking.
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Science had long predicted that if a sufficiently large star collapsed at the end of its life, all the matter left in the star would be crushed into an infinitely small point with infinite gravity and infinite density -- a singularity. Hawking realized that the Universe was, in effect, a black hole in reverse.
Instead of matter being crushed into a singularity, the Universe began when a singularity expanded to form everything we see around us today, from stars to planets to people. Hawking realized that to come to a complete understanding of the Universe he would have to unravel the mysteries of the black hole.
So, if the big bang that caused our universe was due to the effect of black hole(s) exploding, that only means that the black holes had to of come from anther previous universe... and so on into infinity.
I know it is a very huge claim to make but a world famous scientist of such a caliber and stature like Stephen Hawking would be knowing what it takes to prove it.
All the very best Prof. Stephen Hawking.
"So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundaries or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?" - Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time