I haven't had much to say either......its really all about Christmas right now

Dec 07, 2006 19:38

Life this month will no doubt be consumed by Christmas over the next few weeks.......

I am taking Dominick to see Santa tonight. He is bringing his Christmas list to give to him. We are even going to buy a picture. There goes $15.00, what a rip off. Oh, well, they have to pay Santa somehow.

Then we are going to go over and scoop up that watch I saw for Kip. That will be Dominick's present to him this year. I think that's a great idea.

Off to home we go. I am going to bake cookies for a bunch of ungrateful people at Kip's work. Tomorrow is his treat day. I will make a double batch though. I had planned on baking them for Christmas anyways. Maybe I will pick up a pizza so I don't have to cook too. Baking cookies takes forever and because I am baking it is uber messy too.

Dominick had a bball game last night. That kid just doesn't get the concept of teamwork or rather maybe he does and the other teammates don't. He gets so darned emotional. His team has two major ball hogs and it is sad to watch Domo get left out of it. He gets so sad and seriously has crying fits. He is so similar to Kip in that way. Not the crying just the emotional part. Genetics plays no part there obviously it is just interesting to see the correlation and know what may be in store for me.

This weekend we have a lot going on......

Kip is taking Dominick shopping for my present, then we are going to get lights to decorate the house, and a Christmas tree.

I need to make a trip to Fred Meyer to buy things for a carepackage I will be sending to Katey (a fellow punkymom)and to find some pillow cases. Must also find a gift for my mom. I also need to go to Michael's to find some iron transfer paper so I can finish the pillow cases. I am going to find some kick ass dragons off the net and print them then do an iron transfer. I've never done that before so I can't wait. I think it will be fun.

I also want to finish up Damian's package (with or without the stupid watch) and get it sent off. Along with my mommy's package.

I also want to work on my Christmas cards. Honestly, this is the first year I have put that off. Reason #1 I will be sending pictures to Domo's paternal grandmother and aunt and uncle. I have very mixed feelings about this and am actually pretty nervous. I know that the pictures will be appreciated and I can visualize Debbie holding the pictures and rubbing the sides of the picture with her thumb and crying. The question is should she have the pictures, really? Does that crazy bitch deserve to have pictures of a grandbaby I will never let her see? Will those pictures get into the wrong hands? Can she be trusted? I promised her the fucking pictures over a month ago now so I need to get them out, or do I really? Shit. Reason #2 Historically, I send out a bunch of cards to people I thought were friends and NEVER get a card in return. I get maybe three a year. One from BJ's grandma, one from my half-brother Doug, and another from an old friend of my mother's. It hurts my feelings. Do I want to set myself up for that yet again? Reason #3 I want to send out cards to punkymoms. The question is am I obligated to send them to all the active punkymoms? Everyone in the phonebook? I seem to get along better (even virtually) with some more than I do with others. It feels like I am back in elementary school with the age old rule, if you don't have enough for the whole class then don't bring treats.

That was a super super long paragraph. Fuck grammar, sentence structure, and story flow I suppose. That last paragraph took the wind out of me. I am exhausted now. Maybe more posting later?

baking, dominick, christmas, bullshitting

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