For the esteemed few that have chosen to friend this journal, here's a small batch of icons to adorn your journal for Halloween. Although this isn't a "friends only" locked post, these icons are only being displayed here--not in any other mass icon journals as has been the case during the existence of my icon journal. For the purposes of displaying my work to a large audience, such journals have been wonderful, but now it's time to show my appreciation to all 29 of you, for sticking around here over the last year.
I'd also like to extend a big thank-you to everyone who commented on my previous icon & brush post; the response was incredible! For every kind word and icon/resource credit, I appreciate it more than I can express in words. November 14, 2007 will mark
independence_or's first anniversary; keep an eye out for a special post to celebrate one year. Now onto the icons...
001 002 003
004 005 006
1. Please comment in this entry if taking any icons
2. Definitely credit
independence_or when using
3. Enjoy the icons!
My favorite part of Halloween: the candy, of course! What's yours? :D