15 autumn icons + 1 brush set

Oct 18, 2007 00:46



Autumn is my favorite of all the seasons. Here in the Pacific Northwest, summer ends on a warm (usually too warm for my taste) note, but the approaching fall begins with crisp, sunny days and cool, breezy nights. By this point in October, those sunny days are a distant memory as the perma-rain sets in, lasting for about the next eight to ten months (haha). However, the high point of autumn for me is the birth of my son; he was born five years ago today (October 17th, 2002), and I'm still amazed at how fast kids grow.

001 002 003

004 005 006

007 008 009

010 011 012

013 014 015

Although this is not the first time I've made brushes, it is the first time I've offered brushes I've created for download. They are based on the font "Dead Letter Office" and were used in the postage stamp icons above. The READ ME file has more information about crediting, so be sure to check it out.

Click on the preview below to download the set at deviantART:

Postage Due by ~kiya71677 on deviantART


1. Please comment in this entry if taking any icons or the brushes
2. Definitely credit independence_or when using
3. Enjoy the icons, and if you use the brushes I'd love to see your work!

Before we know it the holidays will be upon us...;)

stamps, rain, brushes, seasonal, resource, autumn, 2007, lightning, icons

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