"create!" roundup

Jan 31, 2016 21:36

I meant to post this earlier--

If you're not tracking the create! post or haven't been back to it of late, don't miss that the following people have indicated interest in receiving suggestions for which WIP to work on, and/or being prompted:

daegaer -- read more here

therck -- read more here

lauand -- read more here

avierra -- read more here

viridian5 -- read more here

devikun -- read more here

ezratheblue -- read more here

chomiji -- read more here

(If I accidentally skipped anyone pls let me know!!) Please go let these authors know your desires (which WIP) and/or your prompts!

Also several prompts and personal requests have been sprinkled throughout the post for any takers. Om nom nom.
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