(no subject)

Jan 31, 2016 15:36

Creation post still going strong! Now accepting prompts, offers, support, WIPs, voting, all kinds of goodness, any fandom. Please signal boost! Two weeks until deadline! (Unless you are not working with that deadline, in which case not two weeks until deadline!)

I feel odd not having posted a help-me-decide-which-WIP-to-advance in that post, but. My head's in a weird place right now and I have no idea what I'm in the mood for. My WIP folders are narrowed down to

gods WKtattoo hakkaibodice rippersfairlady saiyukimiami saiyukimiyazaki wkvampire killers wkoccult wkclampintergalactic schuldig pinupgirl gojyomamorucircus wkgroupies saiyukilocals only no valleyshammer horror saiyukiwimseypost aporockstarspretty woman saiyukiendymionlovelessnoir weimarrosenkreuzhsau less than zero wk1900s schwarz ghost horror storythat reincarnation one wk

and... yeah. Honestly leaning Miami Saiyuki as always; plus! I have two new sources of visual inspiration and a lot of new songs for the epic playlist within playlist.

But I also want to play in Miyazaki land. And, and, and.

One thing that has me inspired lately is the american comic Starve.( comicbookresources.com/?page=preview&id=25411 ) Volume 1, which contains Starve #1-5, came out earlier this month. I picked it up the other day and its visual style is intriguing. But honestly? I mostly picked it up because the protagonist is gay. 70% of the reason I paid cash money to learn more. And so far? There is no reason for this character to be gay except to be able to say it kind of ruined his life. To date (Starve #1-5) this character seems utterly devoid of sexuality. They only mention he's gay (you'd never know--no other nods) when talking about his past. (also, they mostly say "queer," and this dude doesn't really jibe with how I tend to think of that definition which makes me wonder if they understand what they're talking about.) Which... okay? Being-gay-is-a-life-ruiner is an old trope and I'm really. really. waiting for them to make me feel it's worth my while to continue...? I admit I'm also on my guard because it's written by three men (I have no idea who they are ideologically so I feel like I'm flying blind), it's western, and I have been coddled by female and gay male Japanese managaka and fandom for years when it comes to gay representation. XD (this interview [ boundingintocomics.com/2016/01/02/interview-talking-art-food-starve-creators-brian-wood-danijel-zezelj/ ] makes it sound like his sexuality was simply a storytelling tool, but they may do more with it in future.)

REGARDLESS. BACK TO VISUAL STYLE. TL;DfuckingR. It's very intriguing visually, and seeing full-page art makes drawing full-page art feel more accessible to me.
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