Mar 25, 2020 22:00
I'll be honest, folks, I felt a little distracted this week and didn't get the same goodness out of this lesson that I have the others. One thing did stick out to me, though. The final question asks something like, "Why might Jesus have chosen someone like you?" It echoes the earlier ask about why Jesus might have chosen fishermen. In the case of the fishermen, I can look back and come up with all sorts of good reasons He chose them. In my OWN case, all I can say is, "Because He loved me."
This is the theme I keep seeing as I read through Isaiah. It's not for my sake, because of any particular attribute of mine that God chose me. It's purely His generous love. Sure, someday maybe someone will look back and point out all the "strategic" reasons He invited me into His kingdom. But really ... it's all about LOVE. Love that reaches toward me with the kind of generous compassion I'd like to be employing when reaching toward others - toward my husband, kids, enemies, and friends. Love that says "You don't have to offer me anything. I'm offering YOU something: Unconditional acceptance." This is the power that changed the world. This is the power God pours into me at salvation. This is the power the keeps me living in hope and continuing to grow. And this is the power that gives me security. Not my merits. Not what I "bring to the table." Just God's loved.
He loved those silly Sons of Thunder. And oh, how grateful I am that He loves silly me.