Lent Study Week 3

Mar 18, 2020 09:58

This week was more practically challenging for me as we covered cultural differences and walls of separation. I felt called to think about (and then ACT ON) my attitudes toward the cultures in my valley (Hispanic, Catholic, homeless, "holy roller"). I often feel separate from these cultures, either because they have insular societies or because I don't know how to engage them effectively. I also thought about Muslims, the gender-bending community, and even the Jews around us. There's such beauty in Jesus's example! I want to do more than admire it - I want to live it in my body and my words. I deeply long to follow Him in the examples He gave me ....

He allowed Himself the humility of being so weary that His disciples had to go in to town while He "leaned against the well" and recovered.

He allowed Himself to approach someone across social boundaries with a simple, request for water -  a need we all experience that reminds us of the depth of our similarities as humans, the unifying effect of our basic needs, and the gifts we can offer in simple acts of service. This seems so applicable here during the "Virus" situation. I pray for opportunities and strength to be both Jesus AND the Samaritan woman.

He set aside His own physical hunger in favor of the food His Father offered, obedience. He chose to minister to the Samaritans rather than eat physical food (something the Samaritan mirrored by leaving her water jug when she ran to tell her village about Jesus). Here is a pattern for me to follow - both allowing my weakness to open a door for ministry and also setting aside my physical needs when God asks me ... all in favor of ministry.

He stayed with these "contaminated" people long enough to establish their faith and grow their community.

I love my Jesus. More than anything I long to step into actual following of Him, not just "liking" the truth He represents.

I love you girls. Be blessed during this Lent season ... let us release what God wants us to release so that His freedom can grow.

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